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A study of brucellosis in childhood.

Clinical Pediatrics 1986 October
Two hundred children with brucellosis are described. The clinical characteristics on presentation included prolonged fever, arthralgia, weight loss, and malaise in the majority of the patients. Biochemical characteristics included a relative lymphocytosis in 92.9 percent of the patients and elevated liver enzymes in 83.5 percent. The Brucella agglutination titer was 1:320 or more in all the cases studied, but repeated blood cultures yielded growth of Brucella organisms in only 42 percent of the patients. Brucellosis is an important cause of fever in children living in areas where Brucella-infected animals are raised. Consumption of raw milk or dairy products made from raw milk are the main sources of infection. Education of the public and governmental control are necessary to eradicate the disease.

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