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Heart surgery waiting list management in an ultra-peripheral region: impact of a risk-stratified queuing method.

Acta Cardiologica 2024 March 26
BACKGROUND: The management of heart surgery waiting list is essential, particularly in ultraperipheral regions. We aimed to characterise a cohort of patients awaiting surgery in such a region, and to assess the occurrence of adverse events and causative factors.

METHODS: A retrospective, multicentre analysis from 2016 to 2020. Patients were divided into "Urgent group" vs "Priority group" based on surgical priority. A composite outcome of death or hospital admission was determined.

RESULTS: We included 329 patients, 18.2% in the Urgent group. Baseline characteristics were similar, except for a higher prevalence of smoking habits in the Urgent group (56.7% vs 38.7%, p  = 0.016), as well as the CCS class ( p  = 0.014) and EuroScore surgical risk ( p  < 0.001). Disease acuity indicated highest priority for coronary artery bypass grafting patients. Myocardial revascularization and aortic valvular replacement were the main procedures. Overall, 15.2% of patients received treatment within recommended waiting time, with 50.8% being Urgent patients. Urgent patients had higher risk for composite outcome (HR 3.92, 95% CI 1.26-12.22; p  = 0.019), with fewer events reported (5% vs 17.8%, p  = 0.051). Chronic kidney disease and previous open-heart surgery were independent predictors of this outcome. Chronic kidney disease remained as independent predictor at 1-year follow-up, while surgical priority did not affect outcomes.

CONCLUSIONS: Despite similar occurrences of adverse events on the waiting list, longer waiting times for patients in the Urgent group increase their risk of adverse events. The priority level had no impact on outcomes. Chronic kidney disease and open-heart surgery were independent predictors for events, highlighting their significance in the triage process.

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