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Topical review: skin infections in the foot and ankle patient.

There are numerous cutaneous disorders that affect the foot, but of these conditions skin infections have the most significant impact on overall patient morbidity and clinical outcome. Skin infections in foot and ankle patients are common, with often devastating consequences if left unrecognized and untreated in both surgical and nonsurgical cases. There is a diverse array of infectious dermatoses that afflict the foot and ankle patient including tinea pedis, onychomycosis, paronychia, pitted keratolysis, verruca, folliculitis, and erysipelas. Prompt diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance of these common infectious conditions are critical in managing these dermatoses that can potentially progress to form deep abscesses and osteomyelitis. Infections can be managed with a combination of ventilated shoewear and synthetic substances to keep the feet dry, topical and oral antimicrobial agents, and patient education regarding preventative hygiene measures. The purpose of this review is to aid foot and ankle surgeons and other physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious dermatoses affecting the foot.

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