Journal Article
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S.P.O.R.R.T.-A Comprehensive Approach to the Assessment and Non-Operative Management of Overuse Knee Conditions in Youth Athletes.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The evaluation of a young athlete with an overuse injury to the knee involves a comprehensive approach. There are a number of elements to consider including assessments of skeletal maturity (biologic maturation), workload (training load + competition load), sport specialization status, and biomechanics. The type of injury and treatment, as well as future prognosis, may be influenced by these and other factors.

RECENT FINDINGS: Calculating the percentage of predicted adult height (PPAH) is a valuable tool in assessing overuse injury patterns and diagnoses in youth athletes. Modifiable and non-modifiable overuse injury risk factors require monitoring from clinicians as young athletes mature and develop over time. Training and rehabilitation programs should be adapted to account for these. In this manuscript, we seek to introduce a novel, comprehensive approach: S.P.O.R.R.T. (Skeletal Maturity, Prior Injury Risk, One Sport Specialization, Rehabilitation, Return to Play, Training Recommendations) (Fig. 1). Overuse, non-traumatic injuries to the knee in youth athletes will be presented in a case-based and evidence-based model to provide a framework for a comprehensive approach to the assessment and treatment of youth athletes with overuse injuries.

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