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Comparison of four predictive scores for cardiovascular risk in Mexican people living with HIV.
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2024 April 26
Persons with HIV (PWH) face an increased risk of cardiovascular events due to immune activation, comorbidities, and certain antiretrovirals. However, the current cardiovascular risk (CVR) scores are not specifically directed toward PWH. This study aimed to assess the agreement between different predictive CVR scores and explore their relationship with clinical and demographic data in Mexican PWH. A descriptive cross-sectional analysis was conducted in 200 PWH with a mean age of 42 years who were treated at a Mexican urban center from 2017 to 2018. The majority (83%) were on antiretroviral treatment and 79.5% had undetectable viral loads. Moderate-to-high risk scores were infrequent, with Framingham Risk Score for Hard Coronary Heart Disease (FRS-HCHD) scores showing higher values, with very low concordance among all scores. Logistic regression analysis revealed significant associations between the CVR scores and the initial recorded viral load, CD4 cell count, and elevated triglyceride levels. However, no associations were found with measures such as body mass index or abdominal circumference. Treatment with integrase inhibitors (INSTIs), particularly first-generation inhibitors, showed strong associations with all predictive scores, notably ASCVD (OR=7.03, 95% CI 1.67-29.64). The poor concordance among the CVR scores in PWH highlights the need for a specific score that considers comorbidities and ARV drugs. Despite the relatively young age of the participants, significant correlations were observed between INSTI use, initial viral load, CD4 cell count, and triglyceride levels, which are factors not considered in the existing risk scores. Regardless of the actual value of the scores, screening for CVR in PWH is recommended.
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