Tzu Chang, Ming-Chieh Shih, Yi-Luen Wu, Tsung-Ta Wu, Jen-Ting Yang, Chun-Yu Wu
BACKGROUND: Delayed graft function after kidney transplantation is linked to poor graft survival and increased chronic allograft injury. Recent guidelines suggest using balanced crystalloids over 0.9% saline owing to better metabolic profiles, but their impact on DGF remains unclear. METHODS: We searched PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Central Registry of Clinical Trials from inception until February 29, 2024, and included RCTs that randomised adult participants to receive either intravenous balanced fluids or 0...
September 13, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Monica Arndt, Hung-Mo Lin, Eric D Strand, Clark Fisher, Robert B Schonberger
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 13, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Nicholas J Douville, Mark E Smolkin, Bhiken I Naik, Michael R Mathis, Douglas A Colquhoun, Sachin Kheterpal, Stephen R Collins, Linda W Martin, Wanda M Popescu, Nathan L Pace, Randal S Blank
BACKGROUND: Limited data exist to guide oxygen administration during one-lung ventilation for thoracic surgery. We hypothesised that high intraoperative inspired oxygen fraction during lung resection surgery requiring one-lung ventilation is independently associated with postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). METHODS: We performed this retrospective multicentre study using two integrated perioperative databases (Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group and Society of Thoracic Surgeons General Thoracic Surgery Database) to study adult thoracic surgical procedures using one-lung ventilation...
September 11, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Tom Salih, Laura Elgie, Yaa Acheampong, S Ramani Moonesinghe
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 10, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Bradley A Fritz, Christopher R King, Mohamed Abdelhack, Yixin Chen, Alex Kronzer, Joanna Abraham, Sandhya Tripathi, Arbi Ben Abdallah, Thomas Kannampallil, Thaddeus P Budelier, Daniel Helsten, Arianna Montes de Oca, Divya Mehta, Pratyush Sontha, Omokhaye Higo, Paul Kerby, Stephen H Gregory, Troy S Wildes, Michael S Avidan
BACKGROUND: Anaesthesiologists might be able to mitigate risk if they know which patients are at greatest risk for postoperative complications. This trial examined the impact of machine learning models on clinician risk assessment. METHODS: This single-centre, prospective, randomised clinical trial enrolled surgical patients aged ≥18 yr. Anaesthesiologists and nurse anaesthetists providing remote telemedicine support reviewed electronic health records with (assisted group) or without (unassisted group) reviewing machine learning predictions...
September 10, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Barry N Singleton, Aisling Ní Eochagain
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 9, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Marko Zdravkovic, Barbara Kabon, Olivia Dow, Martina Klincová, Federico Bilotta, Joana Berger-Estilita
BACKGROUND: Pregnancy adds challenges for healthcare professionals, regardless of gender. We investigated experiences during pregnancy, attitudes towards pregnant colleagues, family planning decisions, and awareness of regulations among European anaesthesiologists and intensivists. METHODS: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among 3590 anaesthesiologists and intensivists from 47 European countries. The survey, available for 12 weeks, collected data on demographics, working conditions, safety perceptions, and the impact of clinical practice and training demands on family planning...
September 9, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Nicolas Fusco, Ludovic Meuret, Franck Bernard, Hervé Musellec, Laure Martin, Mathilde Léonard, Sigismond Lasocki, Thierry Gazeau, Romain Aubertin, Dorothée Blayac, Florient Leviel, Marc Danguy des Deserts, Samia Madi-Jebara, Julien Fessler, Sylvain Lecoeur, Cédric Cirenei, Rémi Menut, Clément Lebreton, Stéphane Bouvier, Claire Bonnet, Axel Maurice-Szamburski, Mathilde Cattenoz, Magida El Alami, Elsa Brocas, Christophe Aveline, Ludovic Gueguen, Eric Noll, Aurélie Gouel-Chéron, Olivier Evrard, Mathieu Fontaine, Yên-Lan Nguyen, Céline Ravry, Emmanuel Boselli, Bruno Laviolle, Helene Beloeil
BACKGROUND: The way that pain is assessed in the PACU could impact on postoperative pain and analgesic consumption. However, there is currently no evidence to support this speculation. The authors hypothesised that using a comfort scale reduces postoperative opioid consumption when compared with a standard numerical rating scale (NRS) to evaluate pain in the PACU. METHODS: In this cluster-randomised trial, patients were assessed using either a comfort scale (comfort group) or a pain NRS (NRS group)...
September 6, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Yang Zhang, Bing Wang, Xiaozhou Feng, Huixing Wang, Ju Gao, Xu Li, Xiaodong Huo, Bushra Yasin, Alex Bekker, Huijuan Hu, Yuan-Xiang Tao
BACKGROUND: Nerve injury-induced changes in gene expression in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) contribute to the genesis of neuropathic pain. SYNCRIP, an RNA-binding protein, is critical for the stabilisation of gene expression. Whether SYNCRIP participates in nerve injury-induced alterations in DRG gene expression and nociceptive hypersensitivity is unknown. METHODS: The expression and distribution of SYNCRIP in mouse DRG after chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the unilateral sciatic nerve were assessed...
September 6, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Fu S Xue, Dan F Wang, Xiao C Zheng
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 5, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Genewoo Hong, Haoyan Zhong, Alex Illescas, Lisa Reisinger, Crispiana Cozowicz, Jashvant Poeran, Jiabin Liu, Stavros G Memtsoudis
INTRODUCTION: Hip fractures are a serious health concern and a major contributor to healthcare resource utilisation. We aimed to investigate nationwide trends in the USA in patient characteristics and outcomes in patients after hip fracture repair surgery. METHODS: From the Premier Healthcare dataset, we extracted patient encounters for surgical hip fracture repair from 2016 to 2021. Patient characteristics, comorbidities, complications, and anaesthetic and surgical details were analysed...
September 5, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Andrea J MacNeill, Chantelle Rizan, Jodi D Sherman
Climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss are adversely affecting human health and exacerbating existing inequities, intensifying pressures on already strained health systems. Paradoxically, healthcare is a high-polluting industry, responsible for 4.6% of global greenhouse gas emissions and a similar proportion of air pollutants. Perioperative services are among the most resource-intensive healthcare services and are responsible for some unique pollutants. Opportunities exist to mitigate pollution throughout the entire continuum of perioperative care, including those that occur upstream of the operating room in the process of patient selection and optimisation, delivery of anaesthesia and surgery, and the postoperative recovery period...
September 4, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Yonathan Agung, Emily Hladkowicz, Laura Boland, Husein Moloo, Luke T Lavallée, Manoj M Lalu, Daniel I McIsaac
BACKGROUND: Frailty is associated with morbidity and mortality after surgery. The association of frailty with decisional regret is poorly defined. Our objective was to estimate the association of preoperative frailty with decisional regret status in the year after surgery. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of a prospective, multicentre cohort study of patients aged ≥65 years who underwent elective noncardiac surgery. Decisional regret about having undergone surgery was ascertained at 30, 90, and 365 (primary time point) days after surgery using a 3-point ordinal scale...
September 3, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Raymond Kelly, Aoife Lavelle
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 31, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Ben Shelley, Martin Shaw
Preoperative risk prediction is an important component of perioperative medicine. Machine learning is a powerful tool that could lead to increasingly complex risk prediction models with improved predictive performance. Careful consideration is required to guide the machine learning approach to ensure appropriate decisions are made with regard to what we are trying to predict, when we are trying to predict it, and what we seek to do with the results.
August 28, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Amogh V Patankar, Rionna Octaviano, Navneeth Gurachar, Annabel W Chen, Alice Guan, George A Hung, Nicholas Kikuta, Armaan Jamal, Malathi Srinivasan, Adrian M Bacong, Robert J Huang, Gloria S Kim, Latha P Palaniappan, Eric R Gross
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 28, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Maura Marcucci, Sandra Ofori
The science of pilot trials is evolving, and understanding of their role in medical research is increasing. Perioperative randomised controlled trials often test interventions that are inherently multidisciplinary and complex; therefore, there might be compelling reasons to conduct pilot studies to assess feasibility and inform trial design. As pilot studies themselves require resources, investigators should not squander this opportunity; they should design them so that they properly address the sources of uncertainty regarding the success of the definitive trial...
August 28, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Marvin Gauthier, Sophie Perrussel-Morin, Marion Guillier, Marie Chevallier, Jean-Noël Evain
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 28, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
I-Wen Chen, Li-Chen Chang, Chien-Ming Lin, Kuo-Chuan Hung
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 27, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Peter Frykholm, Francis Veyckemans
The issue of potentially harmful effects of neurotoxicity or anaesthesia management on children undergoing general anaesthesia is still not resolved. Studies have so far been limited by methodological problems. In a retrospective cohort study, a new noninvasive method was used to demonstrate visual processing changes in children with a single previous exposure to anaesthesia. We need new noninvasive methods that can be used before and after exposure to anaesthesia and surgery to detemine possible effects on long-term neurodevelopment...
August 27, 2024: British Journal of Anaesthesia
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