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Risk factors for serious infections and infection-related mortality in patients with microscopic polyangiitis: Multicentre REVEAL cohort study.

Modern Rheumatology 2024 March 29
OBJECTIVE: Infections are a critical concern for patients with microscopic polyangiitis (MPA). This study aimed to identify the risk factors associated with serious infections (SIs) and infection-related mortality in patients with MPA, as well as the effect of glucocorticoid (GC) dose tapering on these outcomes.

METHODS: This multicentre, retrospective, and observational study utilised data from a cohort of patients with MPA in Japan [Registry of Vasculitis Patients to Establish REAL World Evidence (REVEAL) cohort]. Patients were categorised based on the occurrence of SIs or infection-related deaths, and various characteristics were compared among the groups.

RESULTS: Among 182 patients, 66 (36.2%) experienced 129 SIs and 27 (14.8%) developed infection-related deaths. Advanced age, elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, and higher ratio of the GC dose at 3 months to the initial dose were identified as independent risk factors for SIs. Older age was also associated with infection-related deaths. Furthermore, the cumulative incidence of infection-related deaths was significantly higher in patients with a higher ratio of the GC dose at 24 months to the initial dose.

CONCLUSION: Older age, elevated CRP levels, and slower GC dose tapering predispose patients to SIs and infection-related deaths. Strategies, such as rapid GC dose tapering, are anticipated to mitigate the risk of infections.

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