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Sleep efficiency predicts improvements in fear extinction and PTSD symptoms during prolonged exposure for veterans with comorbid insomnia.

Psychiatry Research 2023 April 22
Prolonged exposure (PE) is an evidenced-based psychotherapy for PTSD, but many Veterans fail to achieve a clinically meaningful response. Sleep issues are prevalent in Veterans and may interfere with PE by disrupting the learning and consolidation of fear extinction memories during PE exposures. Here, we examined whether changes in fear extinction across imaginal exposures and PTSD symptoms during PE were predicted by diary-assessed levels of nightly sleep efficiency (SE; i.e., percent of time in bed spent sleeping), which may indirectly index sleep fragmentation and sleep-facilitated memory processes. Participants were Veterans with PTSD and comorbid insomnia (N = 40) participating in a clinical trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia plus PE. SE was measured via nightly sleep diaries, fear extinction was operationalized as a reduction in peak distress between weekly imaginal exposures, and PTSD symptoms were assessed bi-weekly. Cross-lagged panel models revealed that higher sleep efficiency during the week predicted lower peak distress at the subsequent imaginal exposure and lower PTSD symptoms at the subsequent assessment, whereas PTSD symptoms and peak distress did not predict subsequent sleep efficiency. Efficient sleep may facilitate fear extinction and PTSD reduction during PE. Targeting sleep efficiency could improve PE effectiveness for Veterans with comorbid insomnia.

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