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Intracerebral and pituitary metastatic eccrine carcinoma: prolonged survival using stereotactic radiosurgery.

PURPOSE: Eccrine gland carcinoma (EC) is a rare skin neoplasm that uncommonly spreads to the brain or pituitary gland. We describe the role of multiple stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) procedures to manage recurrent brain metastases of this rare disease.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective chart review was completed to obtain details for this report. The study was performed under IRB study on medical record only and was exempt from patient's consent.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A 59-year-old female underwent surgical excision of a right parietal scalp EC. Over the next 13 years, the patient underwent initial fractionated whole brain radiation therapy after she developed multiple brain metastases followed by systemic chemotherapy for extracranial disease. Because of repeated development of new brain disease, three SRS procedures were performed to treat a total of 50 brain metastases and a pituitary metastasis (PM). The patient expired from progressive systemic cancer spread 13 years after her initial surgical excision. Due to the rarity of metastatic EC to the brain, no standard treatment paradigm has emerged. Using multimodality options that included local excision of the original skin tumor, followed by radiation, systemic chemotherapy, and three SRS procedures, long-term survival was possible in this unusual case.

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