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Growth enhancement and changes in bacterial microbiome of cucumber plants exhibited by biopriming with some native bacteria.

This study investigated the impact of a mixture of six endophytic bacterial strains isolated from cucumber plants on the growth and microbiome diversity of six cucumber traditional varieties and hybrids. Six bacterial species were isolated and identified by 16 s rRNA sequencing. All the bacteria showed plant growth promoting traits.  Bacillus tequilensis  showed 80 % inhibition of the mycelia growth of  Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.  cucumarinum  (Foc). Mixed culture of all the bacteria was prepared and applied back to the varieties and hybrids of cucumber plants through seed soaking. Plant growth characteristics indicated that the treated plants showed increased plant growth in terms of plant height, number of leaves, vine length, male:female flower ratio, number of fruits and fruit length. Bacteria treated plants of hybrid HiVeg Chitra recorded 19 cm increase in vine length compared to control plants. The matataxonomic analysis of leaf samples by Illumina sequencing highlighted a diverse bacterial community shift in treated plants, with significant increases in genera like  Bacillus  and  Staphylococcus . The core microbiome analysis identified key genera such as  Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Sphingomonas, Methylobacterium , etc that could be pivotal in plant growth promotion.  Bacillus  and  Staphylococcus showed increased abundance in treated varieties, correlating with the observed in plant growth parameters thus indicating their role in growth promotion of cucumber plants. Endophytic bacterial species identified from cucumber plants when re-applied by seed soaking, they promote the plant growth by modulating the microbiome. The bacterial species identified in the study could be potential candidates as microbial bioinputs for cucumber cultivation.

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