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A POCUS-first pathway to streamline care for children with suspected ileocolic intussusception.

CJEM 2024 April
OBJECTIVES: As point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has emerged as a valuable tool for intussusception screening, this quality improvement study aimed to implement a "POCUS-first" pathway in a Pediatric Emergency Department (ED) to streamline workflow and expedite care for children with suspected intussusception.

METHODS: This was a prospective analysis of children diagnosed with ileocolic intussusception in a Pediatric ED between June 2022 and June 2023. The study compared the "POCUS-first" cohort with the group receiving only radiology-performed ultrasound. Key outcomes included physician initial assessment to radiology-performed US time and physician initial assessment to reduction time. Continuous improvement efforts incorporated pediatric emergency medicine physician training, education, and pathway dissemination through plan-do-study-act cycles.

RESULTS: The study included 29 patients in the "POCUS-first" pathway group and 70 patients in the non-POCUS group. The "POCUS-first" pathway demonstrated a significantly shorter physician initial assessment to reduction time compared to the non-POCUS group (170.7 min vs. 240.6 min, p = 0.02). Among non-transferred patients, the "POCUS-first" group also had a significantly shorter emergency department length of stay (386 min vs. 544 min, p = 0.047).

CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of a "POCUS-first" pathway for managing ileocolic intussusception led to notable improvements in process efficiency. The shorter physician initial assessment to reduction time highlights the potential for expedited decision-making and intervention. These study findings support the potential of this pathway to optimize the management and outcomes of children with ileocolic intussusception.

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