Thomas Mouillot, Marie-Claude Brindisi, Cyril Gauthier, Sophie Barthet, Clémence Quere, Djihed Litime, Manon Perrignon-Sommet, Sylvie Grall, Fabienne Lienard, Claire Fenech, Hervé Devilliers, Alexia Rouland, Marjolaine Georges, Luc Penicaud, Laurent Brondel, Corinne Leloup, Agnès Jacquin-Piques
OBJECTIVES: A difference in cortical treatment of taste information could alter food intake promoting the development of obesity. The main purpose was to compare, in subjects living with obesity (OB) and normal-weight subjects (NW), the characteristics of gustatory evoked potentials (GEP) for sucrose solution (10 g.100 mL-1 ) before and after a standard lunch. The secondary objective was to evaluate the correlations between GEP and the plasmatic levels of acylated ghrelin, leptin, insulin and serotonin...
August 25, 2024: International Journal of Obesity