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Sudden unexpected death of a young adult due to subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with polyarteritis nodosa: Clinicopathological appearance and literature review.

A 28-year-old male was found dead in his bedroom. There were no anomalies in his birth and medical history, and there was no family history of sudden unexpected death (SUD). Autopsy showed subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) with basilar top inflammatory pseudoaneurysm rupture accompanied by fibrinoid necrosis in the aneurysm wall. Active and healed arteritides in small- to medium-sized arteries were identified in the brain, heart, and systemic connective tissue, which was consistent with polyarteritis nodosa (PAN). Furthermore, pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis was observed in the ascending colon. Hepatitis B virus infection and antineutrophil nuclear antibodies were negative. Genetic investigation using whole-exome sequencing showed no mutations among autoinflammatory-related genes, including UBA1, MEFV, and ADA2. SAH due to rupture of a pseudoaneurysm formed by PAN was considered as the cause of death in the present case. Although myocardial ischemia linked to coronary arteritis is a recognized trigger for SUD in PAN, our study showed that rupture of inflammatory pseudoaneurysm in the cerebral artery can also cause SUD in younger subjects with PAN, even if prodromal symptoms are not evident before death.

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