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Immediate results of the use of split-thickness skin autografts with and without acellular dermal matrix in patients with burns, a comparative study in a Colombian population.

Dermal substitutes have become fundamental tools for covering skin defects, most recently with biological subtypes such as glycerolized acellular dermal matrix (GADM). However, literature regarding this matter is scarce in Latin America and Colombia. In this descriptive observational study, we compared the use of partial skin autografts (PSA) combined with GADM and autografts without GADM. Patients were selected from the burn unit of a hospital in northeastern Colombia between 2021 and 2022. Two study groups were defined: one receiving GADM plus PSA, and the other control receiving only a partial split-thickness autograft. A total of 29 patients with 68 body areas were included, with an average age of 20 years. Most cases involved 3rd-degree burns caused by flame. Hospitalization time was the same for both groups (41 days). The percentage of graft take was similar in both groups; in the GADM with autografts group, it was 94.7% compared to 96% in the control group. The presence of complications was similar in both groups. GADM produced in local tissue banks is a cost-effective alternative. It can be used in a single surgical procedure without increasing complications, providing a postsurgical course similar to autografts alone. Granting the potential long-term benefits that dermal matrices give for healing in these patients, which should be evaluated in subsequent studies.

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