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Follicular mucinosis: clinical and histopathologic study.

Fifty-nine patients with the histologic diagnosis of follicular mucinosis (alopecia mucinosa) were evaluated retrospectively. Thirty-seven were male and 22 were female; ages ranged from 10 to 76 years. Of 19 patients with mycosis fungoides, 16 had initial lesions of follicular mucinosis on the trunk or extremities. Two patients had Hodgkin's disease and follicular mucinosis; both were younger than 20 years of age. Seven other patients were 20 years of age or younger. Two of the nine adolescent patients had persistent plaques of follicular mucinosis up to 18 years after diagnosis. Evaluation of biopsy specimens for lymphocytes, eosinophils, nonlymphoid cell infiltration, epidermal lymphocytic exocytosis, mucin deposition, and epidermal hyperplasia revealed no predominant feature that differentiated the group with benign disease from the group with mycosis fungoides. We conclude that no single clinical or histopathologic observation predicts which patients with follicular mucinosis will have a benign course and that evaluation of multiple clinical and histologic variables is necessary.

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