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A review of broadly protective monoclonal antibodies to treat Ebola virus disease.

The filovirus vaccine and the therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) research have made substantial progress. However, existing vaccines and mAbs approved for use in humans are specific to Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV). Since other Ebolavirus species are a continuing threat to public health, the search for broadly protective mAbs has drawn attention. Here, we review viral glycoprotein-targeting mAbs that have proved their broader protective efficacy in animal models. MBP134AF , the most advanced of these new-generation mAb therapies, has recently been deployed in Uganda during the Sudan ebolavirus outbreak. Furthermore, we discuss the measures associated with enhancing antibody therapies and the risks associated with them, including the rise of escape mutations following the mAb treatment and naturally occurring EBOV variants.

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