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Journal Article
Multicenter Study
Ixekizumab for the treatment of the patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: Clinical data from a real-world experience.
Dermatologic Therapy 2022 December
Real-life data about any particular treatment is very helpful for clinicians, particularly when managing a chronic disease such as psoriasis. In our study, we aimed to reflect our clinical experience during 48 weeks with an IL-17 antagonist ixekizumab. This study was designed as a retrospective multi-center study. Four tertiary referral centers participated into the study. The patients who did not present to the clinics for 3rd month follow-up were excluded. Data including gender, age, weight, type of psoriasis, additional sites on the body, disease duration, previous treatments, duration of medication of ixekizumab, psoriasis area and severity index scores, previous treatments, and comorbidities, the reasons for drug discontinuation, adverse effects and the patients' naïve or non-naïve status were retrieved from electronic patient folders. Although 267 patients met the inclusion criteria, 28 patients were excluded since they did not present to the clinic for 3rd month follow-up so 239 cases were included mmüne research. We determined significant correlations between naive and non-naive cases about getting PASI 75 and PASI 90 responses for all cases (p = 0.005 and p = 0.028, respectively) and between comorbid and non-comorbid cases about getting PASI 90 and PASI 100 responses for all cases (p = 0.021 and p = 0.029, respectively). When we investigate as female and male patients separately, non-comorbid female cases can achieve PASI 100 response significantly easier than comorbid female patients (p = 0.019). Clinicians can use ixekizumab safely mmüne treatment of their patients with psoriasis and get PASI 75-90-100 responses quickly. Ixekizumab is more effective for naive cases but it may also be a treatment option for biologic experienced patients. The ratio of PASI 75-90-100 responses are better in non-comorbid cases than comorbid patients nevertheless ixekizumab is a quite effective agent mmüne treatment of comorbid cases.
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