Alexander Dunn, Sophie Wagner, Dafna Sussman
To review and analyze the currently available MRI motion phantoms. Publications were collected from the Toronto Metropolitan University Library, PubMed, and IEEE Xplore. Phantoms were categorized based on the motions they generated: linear/cartesian, cardiac-dilative, lung-dilative, rotational, deformation or rolling. Metrics were extracted from each publication to assess the motion mechanisms, construction methods, as well as phantom validation. A total of 60 publications were reviewed, identifying 48 unique motion phantoms...
May 13, 2024: Magma
Victor Fritz, Sabine Eisele, Petros Martirosian, Jürgen Machann, Fritz Schick
OBJECTIVE: To prepare and analyze soy-lecithin-agar gels for non-toxic relaxometry phantoms with tissue-like relaxation times at 3T. METHODS: Phantoms mimicking the relaxation times of various tissues (gray and white matter, kidney cortex and medulla, spleen, muscle, liver) were built and tested with a clinical 3T whole-body MR scanner. Simple equations were derived to calculate the appropriate concentrations of soy lecithin and agar in aqueous solutions to achieve the desired relaxation times...
May 11, 2024: Magma
Nima Gilani, Artem Mikheev, Inge M Brinkmann, Malika Kumbella, James S Babb, Dibash Basukala, Andreas Wetscherek, Thomas Benkert, Hersh Chandarana, Eric E Sigmund
OBJECTIVE: Diffusion-weighted MRI is a technique that can infer microstructural and microcirculatory features from biological tissue, with particular application to renal tissue. There is extensive literature on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of anisotropy in the renal medulla, intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) measurements separating microstructural from microcirculation effects, and combinations of the two. However, interpretation of these features and adaptation of more specific models remains an ongoing challenge...
May 4, 2024: Magma
Emma Friesen, Kamya Hari, Maxina Sheft, Jonathan D Thiessen, Melanie Martin
Neurodegenerative disorders, including Multiple Sclerosis (MS), are heterogenous disorders which affect the myelin sheath of the central nervous system (CNS). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides a non-invasive method for studying, diagnosing, and monitoring disease progression. As an emerging research area, many studies have attempted to connect MR metrics to underlying pathophysiological presentations of heterogenous neurodegeneration. Most commonly, small animal models are used, including Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE), Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis (TMEV), and toxin models including cuprizone (CPZ), lysolecithin, and ethidium bromide (EtBr)...
April 18, 2024: Magma
Rodrigo Pommot Berto, Hanna Bugler, Gabriel Dias, Mateus Oliveira, Lucas Ueda, Sergio Dertkigil, Paula D P Costa, Leticia Rittner, Julian P Merkofer, Dennis M J van de Sande, Sina Amirrajab, Gerhard S Drenthen, Mitko Veta, Jacobus F A Jansen, Marcel Breeuwer, Ruud J G van Sloun, Abdul Qayyum, Cristobal Rodero, Steven Niederer, Roberto Souza, Ashley D Harris
PURPOSE: Use a conference challenge format to compare machine learning-based gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) reconstruction models using one-quarter of the transients typically acquired during a complete scan. METHODS: There were three tracks: Track 1: simulated data, Track 2: identical acquisition parameters with in vivo data, and Track 3: different acquisition parameters with in vivo data. The mean squared error, signal-to-noise ratio, linewidth, and a proposed shape score metric were used to quantify model performance...
April 13, 2024: Magma
Vaddadi Venkatesh, Raji Susan Mathew, Phaneendra K Yalavarthy
OBJECTIVE: Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) provides an estimate of the magnetic susceptibility of tissue using magnetic resonance (MR) phase measurements. The tissue magnetic susceptibility (source) from the measured magnetic field distribution/local tissue field (effect) inherent in the MR phase images is estimated by numerically solving the inverse source-effect problem. This study aims to develop an effective model-based deep-learning framework to solve the inverse problem of QSM...
April 10, 2024: Magma
Shun Kitano, Yuki Kanazawa, Masafumi Harada, Yo Taniguchi, Hiroaki Hayashi, Yuki Matsumoto, Kosuke Ito, Yoshitaka Bito, Akihiro Haga
OBJECTIVE: To clarify the relationship between myelin water fraction (MWF) and R1 ⋅R2 * and to develop a method to calculate MWF directly from parameters derived from QPM, i.e., MWF converted from QPM (MWFQPM ). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects were 12 healthy volunteers. On a 3 T MR scanner, dataset was acquired using spoiled gradient-echo sequence for QPM. MWF and R1 ⋅R2 * maps were derived from the multi-gradient-echo (mGRE) dataset. Volume-of-interest (VOI) analysis using the JHU-white matter (WM) atlas was performed...
April 6, 2024: Magma
Wenbo Sun, Dan Xu, Huan Li, Sirui Li, Qingjia Bao, Xiaopeng Song, Daniel Topgaard, Haibo Xu
OBJECTIVE: To assess the performance of hybrid multi-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (HM-MRI) in quantifying hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining results, grading and predicting isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation status of gliomas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Included were 71 glioma patients (mean age, 50.17 ± 13.38 years; 35 men). HM-MRI images were collected at five different echo times (80-200 ms) with seven b-values (0-3000 s/mm2 )...
April 5, 2024: Magma
Yoshihiko Tachikawa, Hiroshi Hamano, Naoya Chiwata, Hikaru Yoshikai, Kento Ikeda, Yasunori Maki, Yukihiko Takahashi, Makiko Koike
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a new motion correction method, named RT + NV Track, for upper abdominal DWI that combines the respiratory triggering (RT) method using a respiration sensor and the Navigator Track (NV Track) method using navigator echoes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To evaluate image quality acquired upper abdominal DWI and ADC images with RT, NV, and RT + NV Track in 10 healthy volunteers and 35 patients, signal-to-noise efficiency (SNRefficiency ) and the coefficient of variation (CV) of ADC values were measured...
February 24, 2024: Magma
Ana R Fouto, Rafael N Henriques, Marc Golub, Andreia C Freitas, Amparo Ruiz-Tagle, Inês Esteves, Raquel Gil-Gouveia, Nuno A Silva, Pedro Vilela, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita G Nunes
OBJECTIVE: Diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) extends diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), characterizing non-Gaussian diffusion effects but requires longer acquisition times. To ensure the robustness of DKI parameters, data acquisition ordering should be optimized allowing for scan interruptions or shortening. Three methodologies were used to examine how reduced diffusion MRI scans impact DKI histogram-metrics: 1) the electrostatic repulsion model (OptEEM ); 2) spherical codes (OptSC ); 3) random (RandomTRUNC )...
February 23, 2024: Magma
Uten Yarach, Itthi Chatnuntawech, Kawin Setsompop, Atita Suwannasak, Salita Angkurawaranon, Chakri Madla, Charuk Hanprasertpong, Prapatsorn Sangpin
PURPOSE: Propeller fast-spin-echo diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (FSE-dMRI) is essential for the diagnosis of Cholesteatoma. However, at clinical 1.5 T MRI, its signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) remains relatively low. To gain sufficient SNR, signal averaging (number of excitations, NEX) is usually used with the cost of prolonged scan time. In this work, we leveraged the benefits of Locally Low Rank (LLR) constrained reconstruction to enhance the SNR. Furthermore, we enhanced both the speed and SNR by employing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for the accelerated PROPELLER FSE-dMRI on a 1...
February 22, 2024: Magma
Hongyan He, Shufeng Wei, Huixian Wang, Wenhui Yang
OBJECTIVE: Conventional single-target field control for matrix gradient coils will add control complexity in MRI spatial encoding, such as designing specialized fields and sequences. This complexity can be reduced by multi-target field control, which is realized by optimizing the coil structure according to target fields. METHODS: Based on the principle of multi-target field control, the X, Y and Z gradient fields can be set as target fields, and all coil elements can then be divided into three groups to generate these fields...
February 22, 2024: Magma
Paweł Wierzba, Anna Sękowska-Namiotko, Agnieszka Sabisz, Monika Kosowska, Lina Jing, Robert Bogdanowicz, Małgorzata Szczerska
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 22, 2024: Magma
Zijian Zhou, Peng Hu, Haikun Qi
Subject motion is a long-standing problem of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can seriously deteriorate the image quality. Various prospective and retrospective methods have been proposed for MRI motion correction, among which deep learning approaches have achieved state-of-the-art motion correction performance. This survey paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of deep learning-based MRI motion correction methods. Neural networks used for motion artifacts reduction and motion estimation in the image domain or frequency domain are detailed...
February 22, 2024: Magma
Marco Parillo, Carlo Augusto Mallio, Ilona A Dekkers, Àlex Rovira, Aart J van der Molen, Carlo Cosimo Quattrocchi
The acquisition of images minutes or even hours after intravenous extracellular gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) administration ("Late/Delayed Gadolinium Enhancement" imaging; in this review, further termed LGE) has gained significant prominence in recent years in magnetic resonance imaging. The major limitation of LGE is the long examination time; thus, it becomes necessary to understand when it is worth waiting time after the intravenous injection of GBCA and which additional information comes from LGE...
February 22, 2024: Magma
Christian Karl Eisen, Patrick Liebig, Jürgen Herrler, Dieter Ritter, Simon Lévy, Michael Uder, Armin Michael Nagel, David Grodzki
OBJECTIVE: To compensate subject-specific field inhomogeneities and enhance fat pre-saturation with a fast online individual spectral-spatial (SPSP) single-channel pulse design. METHODS: The RF shape is calculated online using subject-specific field maps and a predefined excitation k-space trajectory. Calculation acceleration options are explored to increase clinical viability. Four optimization configurations are compared to a standard Gaussian spectral selective pre-saturation pulse and to a Dixon acquisition using phantom and volunteer (N = 5) data at 1...
February 17, 2024: Magma
Houchun H Hu, Henry Szu-Meng Chen, Diego Hernando
OBJECTIVE: Performance assessments of quantitative determinations of proton density fat fraction (PDFF) have largely focused on the range between 0 and 50%. We evaluate PDFF in a two-site phantom study across the full 0-100% PDFF range. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used commercially available 3D chemical-shift-encoded water-fat MRI sequences from three MRI system vendors at 1.5T and 3T and conducted the study across two sites. A spherical phantom housing 18 vials spanning the full 0-100% PDFF range was used...
February 13, 2024: Magma
Zhaohuan Zhang, Elif Aygun, Shu-Fu Shih, Steven S Raman, Kyunghyun Sung, Holden H Wu
OBJECTIVE: To develop and evaluate a technique combining eddy current-nulled convex optimized diffusion encoding (ENCODE) with random matrix theory (RMT)-based denoising to accelerate and improve the apparent signal-to-noise ratio (aSNR) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping in high-resolution prostate diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eleven subjects with clinical suspicion of prostate cancer were scanned at 3T with high-resolution (HR) (in-plane: 1...
February 13, 2024: Magma
Minbo Jiang, Shuai Wang, Zhiwei Song, Limei Song, Yi Wang, Chuanzhen Zhu, Qiang Zheng
OBJECTIVES: CT and MR are often needed to determine the location and extent of brain lesions collectively to improve diagnosis. However, patients with acute brain diseases cannot complete the MRI examination within a short time. The aim of the study is to devise a cross-device and cross-modal medical image synthesis (MIS) method Cross2 SynNet for synthesizing routine brain MRI sequences of T1WI, T2WI, FLAIR, and DWI from CT with stroke and brain tumors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the retrospective study, the participants covered four different diseases of cerebral ischemic stroke (CIS-cohort), cerebral hemorrhage (CH-cohort), meningioma (M-cohort), glioma (G-cohort)...
February 5, 2024: Magma
Sevgi Gokce Kafali, Shu-Fu Shih, Xinzhou Li, Grace Hyun J Kim, Tristan Kelly, Shilpy Chowdhury, Spencer Loong, Jeremy Moretz, Samuel R Barnes, Zhaoping Li, Holden H Wu
OBJECTIVE: Increased subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue (SAT/VAT) volume is associated with risk for cardiometabolic diseases. This work aimed to develop and evaluate automated abdominal SAT/VAT segmentation on longitudinal MRI in adults with overweight/obesity using attention-based competitive dense (ACD) 3D U-Net and 3D nnU-Net with full field-of-view volumetric multi-contrast inputs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 920 adults with overweight/obesity were scanned twice at multiple 3 T MRI scanners and institutions...
February 1, 2024: Magma
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