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The impact of pre-processing and disease characteristics on reproducibility of T2-weighted MRI radiomics features.

Magma 2023 August 9
PURPOSE: To evaluate the reproducibility of radiomics features derived via different pre-processing settings from paired T2-weighted imaging (T2WI) prostate lesions acquired within a short interval, to select the setting that yields the highest number of reproducible features, and to evaluate the impact of disease characteristics (i.e., clinical variables) on features reproducibility.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A dataset of 50 patients imaged using T2WI at 2 consecutive examinations was used. The dataset was pre-processed using 48 different settings. A total of 107 radiomics features were extracted from manual delineations of 74 lesions. The inter-scan reproducibility of each feature was measured using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), with ICC values > 0.75 considered good. Statistical differences were assessed using Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests.

RESULTS: The pre-processing parameters strongly influenced the reproducibility of radiomics features of T2WI prostate lesions. The setting that yielded the highest number of features (25 features) with high reproducibility was the relative discretization with a fixed bin number of 64, no signal intensity normalization, and outlier filtering by excluding outliers. Disease characteristics did not significantly impact the reproducibility of radiomics features.

CONCLUSION: The reproducibility of T2WI radiomics features was significantly influenced by pre-processing parameters, but not by disease characteristics. The selected pre-processing setting yielded 25 reproducible features.

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