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The role of gadolinium-based contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging structured reporting and data systems (RADS).

Magma 2023 September 13
Among the 28 reporting and data systems (RADS) available in the literature, we identified 15 RADS that can be used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Performing examinations without using gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) has benefits, but GBCA administration is often required to achieve an early and accurate diagnosis. The aim of the present review is to summarize the current role of GBCA in MRI RADS. This overview suggests that GBCA are today required in most of the current RADS and are expected to be used in most MRIs performed in patients with cancer. Dynamic contrast enhancement is required for correct scores calculation in PI-RADS and VI-RADS, although scientific evidence may lead in the future to avoid the GBCA administration in these two RADS. In Bone-RADS, contrast enhancement can be required to classify an aggressive lesion. In RADS scoring on whole body-MRI datasets (MET-RADS-P, MY-RADS and ONCO-RADS), in NS-RADS and in Node-RADS, GBCA administration is optional thanks to the intrinsic high contrast resolution of MRI. Future studies are needed to evaluate the impact of the high T1 relaxivity GBCA on the assignment of RADS scores.

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