Hideki Ota, Yoshiaki Morita, Diana Vucevic, Satoshi Higuchi, Hidenobu Takagi, Hideaki Kutsuna, Yuichi Yamashita, Paul Kim, Mitsue Miyazaki
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September 4, 2024: Magma
Rafia Ahsan, Iram Shahzadi, Faisal Najeeb, Hammad Omer
OBJECTIVES: Brain tumor detection, classification and segmentation are challenging due to the heterogeneous nature of brain tumors. Different deep learning-based algorithms are available for object detection; however, the performance of detection algorithms on brain tumor data has not been widely explored. Therefore, we aim to compare different object detection algorithms (Faster R-CNN, YOLO & SSD) for brain tumor detection on MRI data. Furthermore, the best-performing detection network is paired with a 2D U-Net for pixel-wise segmentation of abnormal tumor cells...
September 4, 2024: Magma
Luka C Liebrand, Dimitrios Karkalousos, Émilie Poirion, Bart J Emmer, Stefan D Roosendaal, Henk A Marquering, Charles B L M Majoie, Julien Savatovsky, Matthan W A Caan
OBJECTIVE: To compare compressed sensing (CS) and the Cascades of Independently Recurrent Inference Machines (CIRIM) with respect to image quality and reconstruction times when 12-fold accelerated scans of patients with neurological deficits are reconstructed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve-fold accelerated 3D T2-FLAIR images were obtained from a cohort of 62 patients with neurological deficits on 3 T MRI. Images were reconstructed offline via CS and the CIRIM...
August 30, 2024: Magma
Tim Schmidt, Zoltán Nagy
OBJECTIVE: Despite the prevalent use of the general linear model (GLM) in fMRI data analysis, assuming a pre-defined hemodynamic response function (HRF) for all voxels can lead to reduced reliability and may distort the inferences derived from it. To overcome the necessity of presuming a specific model for the hemodynamic response, we introduce a semi-supervised automatic detection (SAD) method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The proposed SAD method employs a Bi-LSTM neural network to classify high temporal resolution fMRI data...
August 29, 2024: Magma
Frank Zijlstra, Peter Thomas While
OBJECT: Deep learning has shown great promise for fast reconstruction of accelerated MRI acquisitions by learning from large amounts of raw data. However, raw data is not always available in sufficient quantities. This study investigates synthetic data generation to complement small datasets and improve reconstruction quality. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An adversarial auto-encoder was trained to generate phase and coil sensitivity maps from magnitude images, which were combined into synthetic raw data...
August 29, 2024: Magma
Fei Xu, Stefano Mandija, Jordi P D Kleinloog, Hongyan Liu, Oscar van der Heide, Anja G van der Kolk, Jan Willem Dankbaar, Cornelis A T van den Berg, Alessandro Sbrizzi
OBJECTIVE: The image quality of synthetized FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery) images is generally inferior to its conventional counterpart, especially regarding the lesion contrast mismatch. This work aimed to improve the lesion appearance through a hybrid methodology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We combined a full brain 5-min MR-STAT acquisition followed by FLAIR synthetization step with an ultra-under sampled conventional FLAIR sequence and performed the retrospective and prospective analysis of the proposed method on the patient datasets and a healthy volunteer...
August 24, 2024: Magma
Jaewon Yang, Asim Afaq, Robert Sibley, Alan McMilan, Ali Pirasteh
We aim to provide an overview of technical and clinical unmet needs in deep learning (DL) applications for quantitative and qualitative PET in PET/MR, with a focus on attenuation correction, image enhancement, motion correction, kinetic modeling, and simulated data generation. (1) DL-based attenuation correction (DLAC) remains an area of limited exploration for pediatric whole-body PET/MR and lung-specific DLAC due to data shortages and technical limitations. (2) DL-based image enhancement approximating MR-guided regularized reconstruction with a high-resolution MR prior has shown promise in enhancing PET image quality...
August 21, 2024: Magma
Jana Huiyue Zhang, Tom Neumann, Tobias Schaeffter, Christoph Kolbitsch, Kirsten Miriam Kerkering
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate an approach for motion-corrected T1 mapping of the abdomen that allows for free breathing data acquisition with 100% scan efficiency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were acquired using a continuous golden radial trajectory and multiple inversion pulses. For the correction of respiratory motion, motion estimation based on a surrogate was performed from the same data used for T1 mapping. Image-based self-navigation allowed for binning and reconstruction of respiratory-resolved images, which were used for the estimation of respiratory motion fields...
August 12, 2024: Magma
Soo Hyun Shin, Dina Moazamian, Qingbo Tang, Saeed Jerban, Yajun Ma, Jiang Du, Eric Y Chang
OBJECTIVE: To assess and improve the reliability of the ultrashort echo time quantitative magnetization transfer (UTE-qMT) modeling of the cortical bone. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Simulation-based digital phantoms were created that mimic the UTE-qMT properties of cortical bones. A wide range of SNR from 25 to 200 was simulated by adding different levels of noise to the synthesized MT-weighted images to assess the effect of SNR on UTE-qMT fitting results. Tensor-based denoising algorithm was applied to improve the fitting results...
August 10, 2024: Magma
Ouri Cohen, Soudabeh Kargar, Sungmin Woo, Alberto Vargas, Ricardo Otazo
INTRODUCTION: Quantification of dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI has the potential to provide valuable clinical information, but robust pharmacokinetic modeling remains a challenge for clinical adoption. METHODS: A 7-layer neural network called DCE-Qnet was trained on simulated DCE-MRI signals derived from the Extended Tofts model with the Parker arterial input function. Network training incorporated B1 inhomogeneities to estimate perfusion (Ktrans , vp , ve ), tissue T1 relaxation, proton density and bolus arrival time (BAT)...
August 8, 2024: Magma
Santhosh Iyyakkunnel, Matthias Weigel, Oliver Bieri
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the potential of a double angle stimulated echo (DA-STE) method for fast and accurate "full" homogeneous Helmholtz-based electrical properties tomography using a simultaneous <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>B</mml:mi> <mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow> <mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msubsup> </mml:math> magnitude and transceive phase measurement...
August 6, 2024: Magma
Katharina Tkotz, Paula Zeiger, Jannis Hanspach, Claudius S Mathy, Frederik B Laun, Michael Uder, Armin M Nagel, Lena V Gast
OBJECTIVE: To establish an image acquisition and post-processing workflow for the determination of the proton density fat fraction (PDFF) in calf muscle tissue at 7 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Echo times (TEs) of the applied vendor-provided multi-echo gradient echo sequence were optimized based on simulations of the effective number of signal averages (NSA*). The resulting parameters were validated by measurements in phantom and in healthy calf muscle tissue (n = 12)...
August 6, 2024: Magma
Ebony R Gunwhy, Catherine D G Hines, Claudia Green, Iina Laitinen, Sirisha Tadimalla, Paul D Hockings, Gunnar Schütz, J Gerry Kenna, Steven Sourbron, John C Waterton
OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have revealed a substantial between-centre variability in DCE-MRI biomarkers of hepatocellular function in rats. This study aims to identify the main sources of variability by comparing data measured at different centres and field strengths, at different days in the same subjects, and over the course of several months in the same centre. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 13 substudies were conducted across three facilities on two 4.7 T and two 7 T scanners using a 3D spoiled gradient echo acquisition...
August 6, 2024: Magma
María Guadalupe Mora Álvarez, Ananth J Madhuranthakam, Durga Udayakumar
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method that enables the assessment and the quantification of perfusion without the need for an exogenous contrast agent. ASL was originally developed in the early 1990s to measure cerebral blood flow. The utility of ASL has since then broadened to encompass various organ systems, offering insights into physiological and pathological states. In this review article, we present a synopsis of ASL for quantitative non-contrast perfusion MRI, as a contribution to the special issue titled "Quantitative MRI-how to make it work in the body?" The article begins with an introduction to ASL principles, followed by different labeling strategies, such as pulsed, continuous, pseudo-continuous, and velocity-selective approaches, and their role in perfusion quantification...
August 6, 2024: Magma
Antonio Carlos da S Senra Filho, Luiz Otávio Murta Junior, André Monteiro Paschoal
OBJECT: Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) are well-known and powerful imaging techniques for MRI. Although DTI evaluation has evolved continually in recent years, there are still struggles regarding quantitative measurements that can benefit brain areas that are consistently difficult to measure via diffusion-based methods, e.g., gray matter (GM). The present study proposes a new image processing technique based on diffusion distribution evaluation of López-Ruiz, Mancini and Calbet (LMC) complexity called diffusion complexity (DC)...
July 28, 2024: Magma
Reinhard Heckel, Mathews Jacob, Akshay Chaudhari, Or Perlman, Efrat Shimron
Deep learning (DL) has recently emerged as a pivotal technology for enhancing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a critical tool in diagnostic radiology. This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in DL for MRI reconstruction, and focuses on various DL approaches and architectures designed to improve image quality, accelerate scans, and address data-related challenges. It explores end-to-end neural networks, pre-trained and generative models, and self-supervised methods, and highlights their contributions to overcoming traditional MRI limitations...
July 23, 2024: Magma
Patrick J Bolan, Sara L Saunders, Kendrick Kay, Mitchell Gross, Mehmet Akcakaya, Gregory J Metzger
OBJECTIVE: Quantitative parameter mapping conventionally relies on curve fitting techniques to estimate parameters from magnetic resonance image series. This study compares conventional curve fitting techniques to methods using neural networks (NN) for measuring T2 in the prostate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Large physics-based synthetic datasets simulating T2 mapping acquisitions were generated for training NNs and for quantitative performance comparisons. Four combinations of different NN architectures and training corpora were implemented and compared with four different curve fitting strategies...
July 23, 2024: Magma
Shu-Fu Shih, Holden H Wu
OBJECTIVE: To review the recent advancements in free-breathing MRI techniques for proton-density fat fraction (PDFF) and R2 * quantification in the liver, and discuss the current challenges and future opportunities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This work focused on recent developments of different MRI pulse sequences, motion management strategies, and reconstruction approaches that enable free-breathing liver PDFF and R2 * quantification. RESULTS: Different free-breathing liver PDFF and R2 * quantification techniques have been evaluated in various cohorts, including healthy volunteers and patients with liver diseases, both in adults and children...
July 23, 2024: Magma
Oscar Jalnefjord, Louise Rosenqvist, Amina Warsame, Isabella M Björkman-Burtscher
OBJECTIVES: Signal drift has been put forward as one of the fundamental confounding factors in diffusion MRI (dMRI) of the brain. This study characterizes signal drift in dMRI of the brain, evaluates correction methods, and exemplifies its impact on parameter estimation for three intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) protocols. MATERIALS AND METHODS: dMRI of the brain was acquired in ten healthy subjects using protocols designed to enable retrospective characterization and correction of signal drift...
July 13, 2024: Magma
Lei Li, Qingyuan He, Shufeng Wei, Huixian Wang, Zheng Wang, Zhao Wei, Hongyan He, Ce Xiang, Wenhui Yang
OBJECTIVE: To propose a deep learning-based low-field mobile MRI strategy for fast, high-quality, unshielded imaging using minimal hardware resources. METHODS: Firstly, we analyze the correlation of EMI signals between the sensing coil and the MRI coil to preliminarily verify the feasibility of active EMI shielding using a single sensing coil. Then, a powerful deep learning EMI elimination model is proposed, which can accurately predict the EMI components in the MRI coil signals using EMI signals from at least one sensing coil...
July 5, 2024: Magma
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