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Advances in Cranial Surgery.

The landscape of the cranial neurosurgery has changed tremendously in past couple of decades. The main frontiers including introduction of neuro-endoscopy, minimally invasive skull base approaches, SRS, laser interstitial thermal therapy and use of tubular retractors have revolutionized the management of intracerebral hemorrhages, deep seated tumors other intracranial pathologies. Introduction of these novel techniques is based on smaller incisions with maximal operative corridors, decreased blood loss, shorter hospital stays, decreased post-operative pain and cosmetically appealing scars that improves patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. The sophisticated tools like neuroendoscopy have improved light source, and better visualization around the corners. Advanced navigated tools and channel-based retractors help us to target deeply seated lesions with increased precision and minimal disruption of the surrounding neurovascular tissues. Advent of stereotactic radiosurgery has provided us alternative feasible, safe and effective options for treatment of patients who are otherwise not medically stable to undergo complex cranial surgical interventions. This paper review advances in treatment of intracranial pathologies, and how the neurosurgeons and other medical providers at the University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC) are optimizing these treatments for their patients.

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