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Both hemoglobin and hemin cause damage to retinal pigment epithelium through the iron ion accumulation.

Subretinal hemorrhages result in poor vision and visual field defects. During hemorrhage, several potentially toxic substances are released from iron-based hemoglobin and hemin, inducing cellular damage, the detailed mechanisms of which remain unknown. We examined the effects of excess intracellular iron on retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. A Fe2+ probe, SiRhoNox-1 was used to investigate Fe2+ accumulation after treatment with hemoglobin or hemin in the human RPE cell line ARPE-19. We also evaluated the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, the protective effect of-an iron chelator, 2,2'-bipyridyl (BP), and ferrostatin-1 (Fer-1) on the cell damage, was evaluated. Fe2+ accumulation increased in the hemoglobin- or hemin-treated groups, as well as intracellular ROS production and lipid peroxidation. In contrast, BP treatment suppressed RPE cell death, ROS production, and lipid peroxidation. Pretreatment with Fer-1 ameliorated cell death in a concentration-dependent manner and suppressed ROS production and lipid peroxidation. Taken together, these findings indicate that hemoglobin and hemin, as well as subretinal hemorrhage, may induce RPE cell damage and visual dysfunction via intracellular iron accumulation.

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