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Automatic segmentation of fat metaplasia on sacroiliac joint MRI using deep learning.

Insights Into Imaging 2024 March 26
OBJECTIVE: To develop a deep learning (DL) model for segmenting fat metaplasia (FM) on sacroiliac joint (SIJ) MRI and further develop a DL model for classifying axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and non-axSpA.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study retrospectively collected 706 patients with FM who underwent SIJ MRI from center 1 (462 axSpA and 186 non-axSpA) and center 2 (37 axSpA and 21 non-axSpA). Patients from center 1 were divided into the training, validation, and internal test sets (n = 455, 64, and 129). Patients from center 2 were used as the external test set. We developed a UNet-based model to segment FM. Based on segmentation results, a classification model was built to distinguish axSpA and non-axSpA. Dice Similarity Coefficients (DSC) and area under the curve (AUC) were used for model evaluation. Radiologists' performance without and with model assistance was compared to assess the clinical utility of the models.

RESULTS: Our segmentation model achieved satisfactory DSC of 81.86% ± 1.55% and 85.44% ± 6.09% on the internal cross-validation and external test sets. The classification model yielded AUCs of 0.876 (95% CI: 0.811-0.942) and 0.799 (95% CI: 0.696-0.902) on the internal and external test sets, respectively. With model assistance, segmentation performance was improved for the radiological resident (DSC, 75.70% vs. 82.87%, p < 0.05) and expert radiologist (DSC, 85.03% vs. 85.74%, p > 0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: DL is a novel method for automatic and accurate segmentation of FM on SIJ MRI and can effectively increase radiologist's performance, which might assist in improving diagnosis and progression of axSpA.

CRITICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT: DL models allowed automatic and accurate segmentation of FM on sacroiliac joint MRI, which might facilitate quantitative analysis of FM and have the potential to improve diagnosis and prognosis of axSpA.

KEY POINTS: • Deep learning was used for automatic segmentation of fat metaplasia on MRI. • UNet-based models achieved automatic and accurate segmentation of fat metaplasia. • Automatic segmentation facilitates quantitative analysis of fat metaplasia to improve diagnosis and prognosis of axial spondyloarthritis.

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