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Scoring system for diagnosis and pretreatment risk assessment of neuroblastoma using urinary biomarker combinations.

Cancer Science 2024 Februrary 27
The urinary catecholamine metabolites, homovanillic acid (HVA) and vanillylmandelic acid (VMA), are used for the adjunctive diagnosis of neuroblastomas. We aimed to develop a scoring system for the diagnosis and pretreatment risk assessment of neuroblastoma, incorporating age and other urinary catecholamine metabolite combinations. Urine samples from 227 controls (227 samples) and 68 patients with neuroblastoma (228 samples) were evaluated. First, the catecholamine metabolites vanillactic acid (VLA) and 3-methoxytyramine sulfate (MTS) were identified as urinary marker candidates through comprehensive analysis using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The concentrations of these marker candidates and conventional markers were then compared among controls, patients, and numerous risk groups to develop a scoring system. Participants were classified into four groups: control, low risk, intermediate risk, and high risk, and the proportional odds model was fitted using the L2-penalized maximum likelihood method, incorporating age on a monthly scale for adjustment. This scoring model using the novel urine catecholamine metabolite combinations, VLA and MTS, had greater area under the curve values than the model using HVA and VMA for diagnosis (0.978 vs. 0.964), pretreatment risk assessment (low and intermediate risk vs. high risk: 0.866 vs. 0.724; low risk vs. intermediate and high risk: 0.871 vs. 0.680), and prognostic factors (MYCN status: 0.741 vs. 0.369, histology: 0.932 vs. 0.747). The new system also had greater accuracy in detecting missing high-risk neuroblastomas, and in predicting the pretreatment risk at the time of screening. The new scoring system employing VLA and MTS has the potential to replace the conventional adjunctive diagnostic method using HVA and VMA.

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