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Cerebral Tumefactive Inflammatory Lesion Occurrence During Ixekizumab Treatment in a Patient With Active Psoriatic Arthritis.
Neurologist 2024 January 22
INTRODUCTION: Ixekizumab is an anti-interleukin-17A (IL-17A) humanized monoclonal antibody approved for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, active psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Central nervous system inflammatory manifestations are atypical during therapy with IL-17A inhibitors, with only one case of myelitis described to date.
CASE REPORT: A 72-year-old man with a medical history of active psoriatic arthritis was admitted to our department owing to the acute onset of left face numbness 1 month after the first ixekizumab administration. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain displayed a large T2-hyperintense infratentorial lesion involving the root of the fifth and seventh left cranial nerves. A thorough laboratoristic and instrumental work-up did not show elements suggestive of extracerebral neoplasms or infections. Therefore, neuronavigation-assisted brain biopsy was performed, and histologic analysis of the lesion revealed the presence of wide aggregates of foamy histiocytes diffusely infiltrating the brain parenchyma, in the absence of malignant tissue or histologic elements suggestive of central nervous system infections or primary histiocytoses. Steroid treatment (dexamethasone 8 mg/daily) was then administered with subsequent clinical amelioration. One month after hospital discharge, a brain magnetic resonance imaging showed a nearly complete resolution of the lesion.
CONCLUSION: This is the first case of a cerebral inflammatory lesion occurring during treatment with ixekizumab. Although very rare, neurological complications may occur during anti-IL-17A therapies, thus leading to the need for careful monitoring of patients exposed to these drugs.
CASE REPORT: A 72-year-old man with a medical history of active psoriatic arthritis was admitted to our department owing to the acute onset of left face numbness 1 month after the first ixekizumab administration. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain displayed a large T2-hyperintense infratentorial lesion involving the root of the fifth and seventh left cranial nerves. A thorough laboratoristic and instrumental work-up did not show elements suggestive of extracerebral neoplasms or infections. Therefore, neuronavigation-assisted brain biopsy was performed, and histologic analysis of the lesion revealed the presence of wide aggregates of foamy histiocytes diffusely infiltrating the brain parenchyma, in the absence of malignant tissue or histologic elements suggestive of central nervous system infections or primary histiocytoses. Steroid treatment (dexamethasone 8 mg/daily) was then administered with subsequent clinical amelioration. One month after hospital discharge, a brain magnetic resonance imaging showed a nearly complete resolution of the lesion.
CONCLUSION: This is the first case of a cerebral inflammatory lesion occurring during treatment with ixekizumab. Although very rare, neurological complications may occur during anti-IL-17A therapies, thus leading to the need for careful monitoring of patients exposed to these drugs.
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