Journal Article
Technical Report
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Improving the performance of health centres in district health systems. Report of a WHO Study Group.

Health centres are in the front line of health care provision. Located within communities and usually easily accessible, health centres are in a key position not only to contribute to improved health for the individual but also to foster the development of the community as a whole. This report of a WHO Study Group looks at how health centres function in different parts of the world, at the range of services they provide, and how they can be made both more efficient and more effective. The report covers political and legal issues, management, resources and personnel, finance, and the provision of high-quality health care that matches clients' needs. It describes how health centres can design their activities to suit the health profile and priorities of the communities they serve. The report acknowledges past drawbacks and future challenges. The health centre's role is a changing one but, as this report shows, it is a role of growing importance for the future as individuals and communities take on increased responsibility for their own health and well-being.

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