Eduard Grebe, Mars Stone, Bryan R Spencer, Akintunde Akinseye, David Wright, Clara Di Germanio, Roberta Bruhn, Karla G Zurita, Paul Contestable, Valerie Green, Marion C Lanteri, Paula Saa, Brad J Biggerstaff, Melissa M Coughlin, Steve Kleinman, Brian Custer, Jefferson M Jones, Michael P Busch
Nucleocapsid antibody assays can be used to estimate SARS-CoV-2 infection prevalence in regions implementing spike-based COVID-19 vaccines. However, poor sensitivity of nucleocapsid antibody assays in detecting infection after vaccination has been reported. We derived a lower cutoff for identifying previous infections in a large blood donor cohort (N = 142,599) by using the Ortho VITROS Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Total-N Antibody assay, improving sensitivity while maintaining specificity >98%. We validated sensitivity in samples donated after self-reported swab-confirmed infections diagnoses...
July 9, 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Raphaela Stimmelmayr, David Rotstein, Mia Kim Torchetti, Robert Gerlach
We report a natural infection with a Eurasian highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) clade virus in a free-ranging juvenile polar bear (Ursus maritimus) found dead in North Slope Borough, Alaska, USA. Continued community and hunter-based participation in wildlife health surveillance is key to detecting emerging pathogens in the Arctic.
June 28, 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Melle Holwerda, Inge M G A Santman-Berends, Frank Harders, Marc Engelsma, Rianka P M Vloet, Eveline Dijkstra, Rene G P van Gennip, Maria H Mars, Marcel Spierenburg, Lotte Roos, René van den Brom, Piet A van Rijn
Since 1998, notifiable bluetongue virus (BTV) serotypes 1-4, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 16 have been reported in Europe. In August 2006, a bluetongue (BT) outbreak caused by BTV serotype 8 began in northwestern Europe. The Netherlands was declared BT-free in February 2012, and annual monitoring continued. On September 3, 2023, typical BT clinical manifestations in sheep were notified to the Netherlands Food and Product Safety Consumer Authority. On September 6, we confirmed BTV infection through laboratory diagnosis; notifications of clinical signs in cattle were also reported...
June 28, 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Maiken Cavling Arendrup, Rasmus Krøger Hare, Karin Meinike Jørgensen, Ulla E Bollmann, Tina B Bech, Cecilie Cetti Hansen, Thies M Heick, Lise Nistrup Jørgensen
Azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus (ARAf) fungi have been found inconsistently in the environment in Denmark since 2010. During 2018-2020, nationwide surveillance of clinical A. fumigatus fungi reported environmental TR34 /L98H or TR46 /Y121F/T289A resistance mutations in 3.6% of isolates, prompting environmental sampling for ARAf and azole fungicides and investigation of selected ARAf in field and microcosmos experiments. ARAf was ubiquitous (20% of 366 samples; 16% TR34 /L98H- and 4% TR46 /Y121F/T289A-related mechanisms), constituting 4...
June 27, 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Valerie Le Sage, A J Campbell, Douglas S Reed, W Paul Duprex, Seema S Lakdawala
Examining the persistence of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) from cattle and human influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic viruses in unpasteurized milk revealed that both remain infectious on milking equipment materials for several hours. Those findings highlight the risk for H5N1 virus transmission to humans from contaminated surfaces during the milking process.
June 24, 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Sylvain Meyer, Valentin Tilloy, Sylvaine Durand-Fontanier, Thomas Lafon, Fabien Garnier, Christian Martin, Marie-Cécile Ploy, Olivier Barraud
We report discovery of a new bacterial genus and species of the family Pasteurellaceae by using phylogenetic and metabolic analysis. The bacterium, Emayella augustorita, was isolated from blood cultures of a patient in France diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma of the intestines and who was treated with a biliary prosthesis placement.
June 21, 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Christophe Guyeux, Gaetan Senelle, Adrien Le Meur, Philip Supply, Cyril Gaudin, Jody E Phelan, Taane G Clark, Leen Rigouts, Bouke de Jong, Christophe Sola, Guislaine Refrégier
Analysis of genome sequencing data from >100,000 genomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex using TB-Annotator software revealed a previously unknown lineage, proposed name L10, in central Africa. Phylogenetic reconstruction suggests L10 could represent a missing link in the evolutionary and geographic migration histories of M. africanum.
October 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Kristi Loeb, Kieran A Milner, Candice Lemaille, Brielle Martens, Derek Stein, Julie Lajoie, Souradet Y Shaw, Anne W Rimoin, Placide Mbala-Kingebeni, Nicole A Hoff, Ryan S Noyce, Keith R Fowke, Joshua Kimani, Lyle McKinnon, Jason Kindrachuk
We identified a cluster of mpox exposures among key populations in Kenya through retrospective serologic screening. We identified strong seropositivity among sex workers and gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. These findings demonstrate the need for increased mpox surveillance among mpox-endemic and mpox-endemic-adjacent regions in Africa.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Andrew H Buultjens, Ee Laine Tay, Aidan Yuen, N Deborah Friedman, Timothy P Stinear, Paul D R Johnson
Alphavirus infections are transmitted by mosquitoes, but the mode of transmission for Mycobacterium ulcerans, which causes Buruli ulcer, is contested. Using notification data for Victoria, Australia, during 2017-2022, adjusted for incubation period, we show close alignment between alphavirus and Buruli ulcer seasons, supporting the hypothesis of mosquito transmission of M. ulcerans.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Joban Quesada, Paula Alfaro-Segura, Alberto Solano-Barquero, Karen Vega, Ernesto Rojas-Sánchez, Mauricio Jiménez, Alicia Rojas
Mansonella ozzardi, a filarioid parasite, causes human mansonellosis in the Americas. We identified raccoons (Procyon lotor) as wildlife reservoirs of M. ozzardi in Costa Rica. Noting the sympatry of free-ranging raccoons and humans, we conclude that mansonellosis is a considerable public health risk in the region.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Songsong Yu, Tiecheng Yang
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia is an opportunistic infection that affects HIV-infected and immunocompromised persons and rarely affects immunocompetent patients. However, after the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, some COVID-19 patients without immunocompromise or HIV were infected with P. jirovecii. Clinical manifestations were atypical, easily misdiagnosed, and rapidly progressive, and the prognosis was poor.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Anna Loenenbach, Ann-Sophie Lehfeld, Peter Puetz, Barbara Biere, Susan Abunijela, Silke Buda, Michaela Diercke, Ralf Dürrwald, Timo Greiner, Walter Haas, Maria Helmrich, Kerstin Prahm, Jakob Schumacher, Marianne Wedde, Udo Buchholz
Using participatory, virologic, and wastewater surveillance systems, we estimated when and to what extent reported data of adult COVID-19 cases underestimated COVID-19 incidence in Germany. We also examined how case underestimation evolved over time. Our findings highlight how community-based surveillance systems can complement official notification systems for respiratory disease dynamics.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Amy M Schwartz, Christina A Nelson, Alison F Hinckley
We used Medicare data to identify >88,000 adults >65 years of age diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease during 2016-2019 in the United States. Most diagnoses occurred among residents of high-incidence states, in summer, and among men. Incidence of diagnoses was substantially higher than that reported through public health surveillance.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Niekie Spoorenberg, Clara F Köhler, Evelien Vermeulen, Suzanne Jurriaans, Marion Cornelissen, Kristina E M Persson, Iris van Doorn, Hein Sprong, Joppe W Hovius, Rens Zonneveld
Severe babesiosis with 9.8% parasitemia was diagnosed in a patient in the Netherlands who had previously undergone splenectomy. We confirmed Babesia venatorum using PCR and sequencing. B. venatorum was also the most prevalent species in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected around the patient's home. Our findings warrant awareness for severe babesiosis in similar patients.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Hsin-Yi Wei, Yi-Wen Lai, Shu-Ying Li, Yen-I Lee, Meng-Kai Hu, Da-Der Ji, Chia-Ping Su
We investigated a fatal case of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis from an indoor surfing center in Taiwan. The case was detected through encephalitis syndromic surveillance. Of 56 environmental specimens, 1 was positive for Naegleria fowleri ameba. This report emphasizes the risk for N. fowleri infection from inadequately disinfected recreational waters, even indoors.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Priscila T Rodrigues, Igor C Johansen, Winni A Ladeia, Fabiana D Esquivel, Rodrigo M Corder, Juliana Tonini, Priscila R Calil, Anderson R J Fernandes, Pablo S Fontoura, Carlos E Cavasini, Joseph M Vinetz, Marcia C Castro, Marcelo U Ferreira
Malaria is increasingly diagnosed in urban centers across the Amazon Basin. In this study, we combined repeated prevalence surveys over a 4-year period of a household-based random sample of 2,774 persons with parasite genotyping to investigate the epidemiology of malaria in Mâncio Lima, the main urban transmission hotspot in Amazonian Brazil. We found that most malarial infections were asymptomatic and undetected by point-of-care microscopy. Our findings indicate that as malaria transmission decreases, the detection threshold of microscopy rises, resulting in more missed infections despite similar parasite densities estimated by molecular methods...
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Spencer J Fox, Minsu Kim, Lauren Ancel Meyers, Nicholas G Reich, Evan L Ray
On the basis of historical influenza and COVID-19 forecasts, we found that more than 3 forecast models are needed to ensure robust ensemble accuracy. Additional models can improve ensemble performance, but with diminishing accuracy returns. This understanding will assist with the design of current and future collaborative infectious disease forecasting efforts.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Dávid Sipos, Ágnes Kappéter, Barbara Réger, Gabriella Kiss, Nóra Takács, Róbert Farkas, István Kucsera, Zoltán Péterfi
We report a case of autochthonous human babesiosis in Hungary, confirmed by PCR and partial sequencing of the Babesia spp. 18S rRNA gene. Babesiosis should be considered during the differential diagnosis of febrile illnesses, and peripheral blood smears to detect Babesia spp. should be part of the routine clinical workup.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Hanna Jin, Sung-Tae Hong, Merita Antonio Armindo Monteiro, Endang da Silva, Odete da Silva Viegas, Felix Dos Santos Lopes, Dong Hee Kim, Sung Hye Kim
We report a case of Taenia solium taeniasis in a 10-year-old child in Timor-Leste, confirmed by molecular analysis, suggesting T. solium transmission to humans is occurring in Timor-Leste. Proactive measures are needed to improve public understanding of prevalence, geographic spread, and health implications of human taeniasis and cysticercosis in Timor-Leste.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
Brady Page, Alexsandro Lago, Edgar M Carvalho
Disseminated leishmaniasis is an emerging clinical form of Leishmania braziliensis infection. Evidence shows that co-infection by L. braziliensis and intestinal helminths does not affect clinical manifestations or response to therapy in cutaneous leishmaniasis patients. We evaluated whether co-infection was associated with those aspects in disseminated leishmaniasis patients in Brazil.
September 2024: Emerging Infectious Diseases
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