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Stress, hardiness and eating disorder symptoms in military academy cadets.

Eating Disorders 2024 May 6
Eating disorders are a persistent and debilitating problem, especially among college age men and women. This problem is exacerbated in occupations such as the military, where maintenance of strict standards regarding weight, fitness and appearance is important for job retention and promotion. Also, previous research confirms that stress is a contributing element to eating disorders. It is thus important to identify factors that may assist individuals to remain resilient and avoid stress-related health and eating difficulties. The present study utilizes historical data to examine the impact of stress on health and eating disorder symptoms in a representative sample of West Point military academy cadets, while testing the role of gender and hardiness as stress moderators in this relation. A survey containing measures of stress, hardiness and eating disorders symptoms was completed by 387 cadets in the fall and spring of 2000-2001. Moderation effects were tested with advanced conditional process analysis procedures developed recently by Hayes (2022). Results show that hardiness was a significant moderator, with cadets low in hardiness showing increased eating disorder symptoms and more general health symptoms. While gender was not a significant moderator with respect to eating disorder symptoms, it was significant for general health symptoms; female cadets showed more stress-related health symptoms than their male counterparts. These results suggest that eating disorder symptoms in military academy cadets and college students more generally may be reduced through programs aimed at developing hardiness attitudes and stress coping approaches.

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