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"Age of traumatic experience as a predictor of distorted body image in patients with eating disorders".

The timing of trauma exposure is a risk factor for the development of psychopathology in adulthood. We aim to assess the presence of adverse life events (ALEs) before age 13 in patients with eating disorders (ED). Specifically, we examined the relationship between exposure to interpersonal trauma before the age of 13 and body image distortion (BID), impulsivity, and perfectionism. We conducted a cross-sectional, retrospective study in which 79 outpatients with ED were consecutively enrolled. Assessment was performed using the Traumatic Life Event Questionnaire, Contour Drawing Rating Scale, and Eating Disorder Inventory. Linear regression models were used to analyze the predictive role of interpersonal trauma before age 13 on BID perfectionism and impulsivity. Seventy-two patients (91.1%) reported ALEs throughout their lives. Patients with trauma before age 13 (55.6%) overestimated their shape. Patients with ED and bulimic symptoms had significantly higher BID levels. Interpersonal trauma predicted higher levels of impulsivity and perfectionism. Experiencing interpersonal ALEs before age 13 may be a risk factor for the development of BID, impulsivity, and perfectionism in adulthood. Body image can be modified during childhood through interventions focused on identifying stressful relationships.

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