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Experimental interventions attenuate a conjunctival epidermal metaplasia model.
Experimental Eye Research 2024 April 26
The conjunctiva is a non-keratinized, stratified columnar epithelium with characteristics different from the cornea and eyelid epidermis. From development to adulthood, a distinguishing feature of ocular versus epidermal epithelia is the expression of the master regulator PAX6. A conditionally immortalized conjunctival epithelial cell line (iHCjEC) devoid of stromal or immune cells established in our laboratory spontaneously manifested epidermal metaplasia and upregulated expression of the keratinization-related genes SPRR1A/B and the epidermal cytokeratins KRT1 and KRT10 at the expense of the conjunctival trait. In addition, iHCjEC indicated a significant decrease in PAX6 expression. Dry eye syndrome (DES) and severe ocular surface diseases, such as Sjögren's syndrome and Stevens-Johnson syndrome, cause the keratinization of the entire ocular surface epithelia. We used iHCjECs as a conjunctiva epidermal metaplasia model to test PAX6, serum, and glucocorticoid interventions. Reintroducing PAX6 to iHCjECs resulted in upregulating genes related to cell adhesion and tight junctions, including MIR200CHG and CLDN1. The administration of glucocorticoids or serum resulted in the downregulation of epidermal genes (DSG1, SPRR1A/B, and KRT1) and partially corrected epidermal metaplasia. Our results using an isolated conjunctival epidermal metaplasia model point toward the possibility of rationally "repurposing" clinical interventions, such as glucocorticoid, serum, or PAX6 administration, for treating epidermal metaplasia of the conjunctiva.
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