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Neuroendocrine modulation by metamizole and indomethacin: investigating the impact on neuronal markers and GnRH release.

Endocrine 2024 April 16
PURPOSE: Some evidence that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have neuroprotective effects indicates their potential for use in a new field. However, their effects on hormone secretion have yet to be adequately discovered. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the effects of metamizole and indomethacin on neuronal markers as well as the GnRH expression in the GT1-7 cell line.

METHODS: The effects of these drugs on proliferation were evaluated by MTT analysis. The effect of 10-50-250 µM concentrations of the drugs also on the expression of neuronal factors and markers, including NGF, nestin and βIII Tubulin, and additionally GnRH, was determined by the RT-qPCR method.

RESULTS: NGF and nestin mRNA expressions were increased in all concentrations of both metamizole and indomethacin. No changes were detected in βIII Tubulin. While metamizole showed an increase in GnRH mRNA expression, there was no change at 10 and 50 µM concentrations of indomethacin, but a remarkable decrease was observed at 250 µM concentrations.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study showing an increase in the expression of neuronal factors reveal that metamizole and indomethacin may have possible neuroprotective effects. Moreover, the effects on the GnRH expression appear to be different. Animal models are required to confirm these effects of NSAIDs on neurons.

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