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Association of depressive symptom severity and suicidal ideation with health-related quality of life among stroke survivors, NHANES 2005-2018.

Psychiatry Research 2024 April 2
Stroke, a critical health issue in the US, not only has physical repercussions but also potentially affects the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) through neuropsychiatric outcomes like depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts. This study utilized a nationally representative sample of 1302 US stroke survivors (age ≥ 20) from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2005-2018) to assessed relationships between QoL via the CDC HRQOL-4 and evaluated depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Participants (mean age: 64.4; 56.0 % female) showed that 40.7 % had at least mild depressive symptoms, and 18.8 % exhibited major depressive symptoms. Suicidal ideation was reported by 8.1 %. After sociodemographic and health condition adjustments, mild and major depressive symptoms, along with suicidal ideation, were associated with poorer general health status and more physically and mentally unhealthy days and activity limitation days. A dose-response relationship between PHQ-9 scores and HRQoL outcomes was evident (All P for trend <0.001). Stroke survivors with suicidal ideation also experienced more physically and mentally unhealthy days and activity limitation days. Depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation are associated with reduced HRQoL among US stroke survivors, underscoring the importance of thorough neuropsychiatric evaluations and interventions to bolster stroke survivors' well-being.

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