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Cancer-specific mortality odds ratios in the food, accommodation and beverage activities in Italy.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2024 April 8
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated cancer-specific mortality risks of workers employed in food, accommodation and beverage (FAB) activities.
METHODS: We performed a case-control study based on countrywide mortality and National Social Insurance data. Adjusted cancer specific mortality odds ratios (MOR) were calculated. We modelled occupational exposure as "ever/never been employed" in FAB activities, using other sectors as reference. Analysis was performed by gender, length of employment and year of smoke banning.
RESULTS: About 20,000 cancer deaths in FAB were analysed. Working in restaurants was positively associated with cancer of lung (MOR = 1.24), bladder (MOR = 1.24), pharynx, and larynx. Accommodation was associated with cancer of pharynx (MOR = 1.46), while beverage with cancer of liver (MOR = 1.22). Gender, length of employment and smoke banning were found effective in modifying some risks.
CONCLUSIONS: Workers in FAB sectors were at risk for several cancers.
METHODS: We performed a case-control study based on countrywide mortality and National Social Insurance data. Adjusted cancer specific mortality odds ratios (MOR) were calculated. We modelled occupational exposure as "ever/never been employed" in FAB activities, using other sectors as reference. Analysis was performed by gender, length of employment and year of smoke banning.
RESULTS: About 20,000 cancer deaths in FAB were analysed. Working in restaurants was positively associated with cancer of lung (MOR = 1.24), bladder (MOR = 1.24), pharynx, and larynx. Accommodation was associated with cancer of pharynx (MOR = 1.46), while beverage with cancer of liver (MOR = 1.22). Gender, length of employment and smoke banning were found effective in modifying some risks.
CONCLUSIONS: Workers in FAB sectors were at risk for several cancers.
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