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Sex-based differences in neck selectivity in total hip arthroplasty using a modular femoral neck system.

BACKGROUND: Dislocation is a major complication of total hip arthroplasty (THA). The modular femoral neck system provides practical advantages by allowing adjustment of neck version and length in the presence of intraoperative instability. Anatomical studies have identified morphological differences in the hip joint between men and women. Despite sex-based differences in hip morphology, it remains unclear whether such differences affect neck selectivity in THA using a modular neck system and whether this approach achieves anatomical reconstruction, thereby reducing complications such as dislocation. This study aimed to investigate gender differences in neck selectivity in THA with the modular neck system and assess the clinical impact of the modular neck system.

METHODS: A total of 163 THAs using a modular neck system were included in this study. Data on the type of modular neck and intraoperative range of motion (ROM) were retrieved from patient records. Pre- and post-operative leg length differences (LLD) were examined as part of the radiographic assessment. Dislocation was investigated as a postoperative complication.

RESULTS: Neck selectivity did not significantly differ between men and women. The comparison of pre- and post-operative LLD revealed a tendency for varus necks to improve LLD more than version-controlled necks. Furthermore, no significant correlation was found between intraoperative ROM and neck selectivity, or postoperative dislocation and neck selectivity.

CONCLUSIONS: This study on THA with a modular neck system provided valuable insights into sex-based differences in neck selectivity and highlighted the potential benefits of the modular neck system in addressing LLD and preventing postoperative dislocation.

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