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Three-dimensional Images Fusion Method Useful for Preoperative Simulation of Clipping Surgery for Cerebral Aneurysms.

This study aimed to introduce a three-dimensional (3D) images fusion method for preoperative simulation of aneurysm clipping. Consecutive unruptured aneurysm cases treated with surgical clipping from March 2021 to October 2023 were included. In all cases, preoperative images of plain computed tomography (CT), CT angiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 3D fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, 3D heavily T2-weighted images, and 3D rotational angiography were acquired and transported into a commercial software (Ziostation2 Plus, Ziosoft, Inc. Tokyo, Japan). The software provided 3D images of skull, arteries including aneurysms, veins, and brain tissue that were freely rotated, magnified, trimmed, and superimposed. Using the 3D images fusion method, two operators predicted clips to be used in the following surgery. The predicted clips and actually used ones were compared to give agreement scores for the following factors: (1) type of clips (simple or fenestrated), (2) shape of clips (straight, curved, angled, or bayonet), and (3) clipping strategy (single or multiple). The agreement score ranged from 0 to 3 because a score of 1 or 0 was given for agreement or disagreement on each factor. Interoperator reproducibility was also evaluated. During the study period, 44 aneurysms from 37 patients were clipped. All procedures were successfully completed, thanks to the precisely reproduced surgical corridors with the 3D images fusion method. Agreement in clip prediction was good with mean agreement score of 2.4. Interobserver reproducibility was also high with the kappa value of 0.79. The 3D images fusion method was useful for preoperative simulation of aneurysm clipping.

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