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Immunohistochemical staining with CD117 and PGP9.5 of excised vestibular tissue from patients with neuroproliferative vestibulodynia.

BACKGROUND: Neuroproliferative vestibulodynia (NPV), a provoked genital pain characterized by severe allodynia and hyperalgesia, is confirmed in excised vestibular tissue by immunohistochemical staining (>8 CD117-positive immunostained cells/100× microscopic field) rather than by hematoxylin and eosin staining.

AIM: In this study we sought to assess immunostaining of tissue samples obtained during vestibulectomy surgery and to correlate results with patient outcomes.

METHODS: Patients (n = 65) meeting criteria for NPV who underwent vestibulectomy during the period from June 2019 through December 2022 formed the study cohort. We performed assessment of pathology of vestibular tissues by use of immunohistochemical staining, including quantitation of mast cells by CD117 (mast cell marker) and nerve fibers by protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 (neuronal marker). We analyzed 725 photomicrographs of immunostained tissue sections (100× and 200×) by manual counting and computer-assisted histometry and correlated these data to clinical assessments.

OUTCOMES: Outcomes included density of CD117 and PGP9.5 immunostaining in the 1:00-11:00 o'clock and 12:00 o'clock vestibular regions, and patient-reported outcomes assessing sexual function, pain, distress, and symptom improvement.

RESULTS: All 65 NPV patients (median age 26 years), 45 with lifelong and 20 with acquired NPV, had severe pain documented by PROs and vulvoscopy and had >8 CD117-immunopositive cells/100× microscopic field. Median cell count values were similar in the 1:00-11:00 o'clock and 12:00 vestibular regions (28.5 and 29.5/100× field, respectively). Likewise, the marker) and nerve fibers by protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 (neuronal marker). We analyzed 725 photomicrographs of immunostained tissue sections (100× and 200×) by manual counting and computer-assisted histometry and correlated these data to clinical assessments.

OUTCOMES: Outcomes included density of CD117 and PGP9.5 immunostaining in the 1:00-11:00 o'clock and 12:00 o'clock vestibular regions, and patient-reported outcomes assessing sexual function, pain, distress, and symptom improvement.

RESULTS: All 65 NPV patients (median age 26 years), 45 with lifelong and 20 with acquired NPV, had severe pain documented by PROs and vulvoscopy and had >8 CD117-immunopositive cells/100× microscopic field. Median cell count values were similar in the 1:00-11:00 o'clock and 12:00 vestibular regions (28.5 and 29.5/100× field, respectively). Likewise, the median area of CD117 immunostaining was similar in both regions (0.69% and 0.73%). The median area of PGP9.5 immunostaining was 0.47% and 0.31% in these same regions. Pain scores determined with cotton-tipped swab testing were nominally higher in lifelong vs acquired NPV patients, reaching statistical significance in the 1:00-11:00 o'clock region (P < .001). The median score for the McGill Pain Questionnaire affective subscale dimension was also significantly higher in lifelong vs acquired NPV patients (P = .011). No correlations were observed between hematoxylin and eosin results and density of mast cells or neuronal markers. Of note, 63% of the patient cohort reported having additional conditions associated with aberrant mast cell activity.

CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The pathology of NPV is primarily localized to the vestibular epithelial basement membrane and subepithelial stroma with no visible vulvoscopic findings, making clinical diagnosis challenging.

STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS: Strengths of this study include the large number of tissues examined with what is to our knowledge the first-ever assessment of the 12:00 vestibule. Major limitations are specimens from a single timepoint within the disease state and lack of control tissues.

CONCLUSIONS: Performing immunohistochemical staining of excised vestibular tissue with CD117 and PGP9.5 led to histometric confirmation of NPV, indications that NPV is a field disease involving all vestibular regions, validation for patients whose pain had been ignored and who had experienced negative psychosocial impact, and appreciation that such staining can advance knowledge.

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