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Paraspeckle protein NONO attenuates vascular calcification by inhibiting bone morphogenetic protein 2 transcription.

Kidney International 2024 Februrary 26
Vascular calcification is a pathological process commonly associated with atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes. Paraspeckle protein NONO is a multifunctional RNA/DNA binding protein involved in many nuclear biological processes but its role in vascular calcification remains unclear. Here, we observed that NONO expression was decreased in calcified arteries of mice and patients with CKD. We generated smooth muscle-specific NONO-knockout mice and established three different mouse models of vascular calcification by means of 5/6 nephrectomy, adenine diet to induce chronic kidney failure, or vitamin D injection. The knockout mice were more susceptible to the development of vascular calcification relative to control mice, as verified by an increased calcification severity and calcium deposition. Likewise, aortic rings from knockout mice showed more significant vascular calcification than those from control mice ex vivo. In vitro, NONO deficiency aggravated high phosphate-induced vascular smooth muscle cell osteogenic differentiation and apoptosis, whereas NONO overexpression had a protective effect. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that the regulation of vascular calcification by NONO was mediated by bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2). NONO directly bound to the BMP2 promoter using its C-terminal region, exerting an inhibitory effect on the transcription of BMP2. Thus, our study reveals that NONO is a novel negative regulator of vascular calcification, which inhibits osteogenic differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cell and vascular calcification via negatively regulating BMP2 transcription. Hence, NONO may provide a promising target for the prevention and treatment of vascular calcification.

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