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Hearing aid wear time and its impact on vocabulary in preschoolers with moderately severe to profound hearing loss.
International Journal of Audiology 2024 Februrary 15
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore how the consistency of hearing aid (HA) use impacts vocabulary performance in children with moderately severe to profound hearing loss and determine the amount of HA use time associated with better vocabulary outcomes.
DESIGN: Personal wear time percentage (WTP) was an indicator of HA use consistency, and the information on HA wear time was collected from both parent reports and datalogs. Pearson's correlations were performed to investigate the associations between hearing loss severity, WTP and vocabulary performance. Standard vocabulary scores among children below and above three WTP cutoff values (80%, 85%, and 90%) were examined to determine the WTP amount that yielded significantly better vocabulary outcomes.
STUDY SAMPLE: Forty-seven children aged 36-79 months and their caregivers.
RESULTS: Both parent reports and datalogs WTP significantly correlated with vocabulary outcomes. Parent-reported WTP were found to be predictive of datalogs WTP. Apart from hearing thresholds, HA fitting age and maternal education level, datalogs WTP was a significant independent predictor of vocabulary performance. Children with ≥ 90% WTP were more likely to perform better on vocabulary tests than those with < 90% WTP.
CONCLUSION: The findings support the potential benefits of consistent HA use for vocabulary development.
DESIGN: Personal wear time percentage (WTP) was an indicator of HA use consistency, and the information on HA wear time was collected from both parent reports and datalogs. Pearson's correlations were performed to investigate the associations between hearing loss severity, WTP and vocabulary performance. Standard vocabulary scores among children below and above three WTP cutoff values (80%, 85%, and 90%) were examined to determine the WTP amount that yielded significantly better vocabulary outcomes.
STUDY SAMPLE: Forty-seven children aged 36-79 months and their caregivers.
RESULTS: Both parent reports and datalogs WTP significantly correlated with vocabulary outcomes. Parent-reported WTP were found to be predictive of datalogs WTP. Apart from hearing thresholds, HA fitting age and maternal education level, datalogs WTP was a significant independent predictor of vocabulary performance. Children with ≥ 90% WTP were more likely to perform better on vocabulary tests than those with < 90% WTP.
CONCLUSION: The findings support the potential benefits of consistent HA use for vocabulary development.
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