Case Reports
Journal Article
Multicenter Study
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Imaging in hepatopulmonary syndrome-case report. A multicenter approach during the coronavirus pandemic.

A 60-year-old lady with alcoholic liver disease developed central cyanosis and orthodeoxia. A technetium-99m macro-aggregated albumin lung perfusion scan and contrast echocardiogram were performed. A 13% right to left shunt was calculated from the macro-aggregated albumin scan. There were more bubbles in the left heart than the right at the end of the contrast echocardiogram. Hepatopulmonary syndrome was therefore diagnosed. The patient had a liver transplant five days after these investigations. Further discussion about hepatopulmonary syndrome will be provided. Normally, macro-aggregated albumin scans are performed in few centers, however as this was at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the scan needed to be performed locally to reduce the chance of the patient getting coronavirus. Local radiographers were remotely instructed on conducting the macro-aggregated albumin scan by a larger center to provide a timely and important investigation in a logistically difficult scenario.

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