Neal Joshi, Joy Li, Ajit Karambelkar, Payton Boere
Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell neoplasm, which may present as a solitary plasmacytoma and, uncommonly, as an extramedullary plasmacytoma. Intracranial plasmacytomas may manifest in central nervous system involvement as cranial nerve palsies. Cranial nerve six palsy is the most common in cases of malignancy. However, isolated abducens palsy presenting as multiple myeloma recurrence is very uncommon. Here, we detail two cases in which intracranial plasmacytoma lesions were present within the region of the Dorello canal, resulting in acute isolated unilateral diplopia from disease recurrence in the absence of systemic marrow involvement...
2024: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Jennifer Qin, Isabelle Wijangco, Marley Rashad, Mark Sugi, Stacy Young
This case report discusses a diagnosis of uterine torsion in an 84-year-old woman who presented with five days of right lower quadrant abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and poor intake. Computed tomography (CT) imaging demonstrated a whorled configuration at the junction of the cervix and lower uterine segment, with the left gonadal vein crossing midline, and two previously known right leiomyomas now appearing on the left. These findings were consistent with the diagnosis of uterine torsion. She then underwent an urgent exploratory laparotomy, and the uterus was found to be dextroverted 270 degrees, with dark mottled purple tissue and engorged vessels...
2024: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Hissein M Fadoul, Nadeer M Gharaibeh, Gang Wu, Xiaoming Li
BACKGROUND: Intervertebral disc herniation, defined as the protrusion or extrusion of the disc mass outside the disc space, is common and easy to diagnose on conventional Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) or Computed Tomography (CT) scans. However, the sequestrated disc fragments are challenging to detect, and intervertebral disc mass displacement into the dural sac, which can lead to serious neurological problems such as Cauda equina syndrome (CES). The sequestrated disc fragments do not have specific clinical or radiological characteristics that can differentiate an atypical disc mass from a tumor, making the diagnosis difficult preoperatively...
2024: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Arthur Rezayev, William S Coggins, Adewumi Amole, Mudassar Kamran, Tomoko Tanaka
BACKGROUND: Traumatic intracranial ICA dissections are not commonly seen in children. Dissection resulting in perfusion deficit warrants intervention. Here we encountered a patient who experienced traumatic ICA dissection, treated by endovascular stenting. METHODS: A 10-year-old female presented with aphasia and right sided weakness following trauma. Imaging showed deficit in the left MCA territory without core. Further imaging showed dissection of the left supraclinoid ICA, confirmed by digital subtraction angiography...
2024: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Sidki Kenza, Hatim Essaber, Sara Habib Chorfa, Omor Youssef, Latib Rachida
Rectal cancer Is a Common malignant pathology; its usual spread in volves the liver and lungs. The occurrence of renal metastases is exceptional. CT scanning aims to evaluate extension and may incidentally reveal a renal mass, which can be better characterized through MRI and ultrasound. We describe a case of a solitary renal metastasis from rectal cancer and underscore the significant role of imaging in positively diagnosing this uncommon pathology.
2024: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Xiufen Tian, Junxia Qiao, Na Guo, Kun Liu, Keyi Li
The mandibular second molar exhibits a wide range of intricate root canal variations, which can present challenges and difficulties in achieving successful root canal treatment. This report focuses on two specific cases involving a root canal variation in a typical taurodontism of the mandibular second molar. To provide a comprehensive analysis and illustration of the anatomical structure of intraoral taurodontism and the important considerations for root canal treatment, we utilized advanced imaging techniques such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and a dental microscope...
November 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Alfryan Janardhana, Besut Daryanto, Andri Kustono, A Bayhaqi Nasir Aslam
INTRODUCTION: High-flow priapism is rare, uncontrolled arterial inflow, preceded by penile or perineal trauma and arterial-lacunar fistula. There are several ways to treat high-flow priapism, i.e., conservative management, the use of ice packs, mechanical decompression, surgery, and super-selective arterial embolization. Embolization is currently widely accepted in patients who fail from conservative management. This study aimed to report the use of Gelfoam and microcoil embolization in recurrent high-flow priapism compared to PVA embolization...
November 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Ali Mansoor, Rabia Shaukat
Omental torsion is a very rare cause of acute abdomen. Clinically, it mimics other common pathologies such as acute appendicitis, acute diverticulitis and acute cholecystitis. It is therefore no surprise, that it was rarely diagnosed pre operatively before the advent and easy availability of modern imaging techniques. CT scan, in particular, can diagnose omental torsion with confidence pre operatively. This can make conservative treatment possible in cases of primary omental torsion and guide regarding the appropriate treatment in cases of secondary torsion...
November 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Manuel Menendez Santos, Carlos Gonzalez Baerga, Sanjay Lamsal, Corey Engel, Savas Ozdemir
Werner Syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive condition characterized by premature aging and increased risk of malignancies due to gene mutations associated with DNA stability. We present the first case report of a 29-year-old Hispanic female with WS diagnosed with breast cancer. Diagnostic mammography and ultrasound, breast MRI and PET examinations revealed two lesions biopsy proven as invasive ductal carcinoma. The patient underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical mastectomy. Recurrence occurred 10 months postoperatively with molecular analysis demonstrating TP53 mutations...
October 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Afsara Anisa Ahmmed, Randeep Kulshrestha
A 60-year-old lady with alcoholic liver disease developed central cyanosis and orthodeoxia. A technetium-99m macro-aggregated albumin lung perfusion scan and contrast echocardiogram were performed. A 13% right to left shunt was calculated from the macro-aggregated albumin scan. There were more bubbles in the left heart than the right at the end of the contrast echocardiogram. Hepatopulmonary syndrome was therefore diagnosed. The patient had a liver transplant five days after these investigations. Further discussion about hepatopulmonary syndrome will be provided...
October 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Liao Juan, Yu Jianqun, Li Fanglan
Ewing sarcoma (ES) was first reported by Ewing in 1921. It is the second largest malignant bone tumor in children and adolescents, typically occurring in the bones of trunk or limbs . Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma (EES) was first reported by Tefft et al. in 1969 and is extremely rare, accounting for less than 1% of all sarcomas. It can occur in any part of soft tissue, mostly in the trunk and lower limbs, and rarely in the pleura. We report a 22-year-old case of extraosseous Ewing sarcoma of pleural origin discovered and pathologically confirmed by physical examination...
October 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Chase C Dougherty, Barton F Branstetter
Persistent craniopharyngeal canal (PCC) is a rare congenital anomaly that appears as a linear well-corticated canal running from the sella through the clivus and into the nasopharynx. Case reports of this anomaly have shown it is associated with a range of craniofacial defects, pituitary abnormalities, and meningoencephaloceles. It predisposes patients to bacterial meningitis. In this case a 46-year-old gentleman presenting for preoperative planning for surgical drainage of Potts Puffy tumor was found to have a PCC on CT and MRI...
October 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Israa Alsulami, Reem Alwasiah, Mohammed Alsalman, Abdulmohsen Alyousef
Hydatid disease is a parasitic infection that usually targets the liver and is rarely seen affecting the heart. Herein, we present an incidentally diagnosed cardiac hydatid cyst with a pathognomonic radiological feature of a water lily sign.
September 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
William Wakeford, Dimitrios Ioannidis
INTRODUCTION: We present a case of a fourteen year old girl who presented with a large intra-nasal mass to the ENT team at a district general hospital in the UK. PRESENTATION OF CASE: The girl presented predominantly with nasal obstruction and some symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Imaging revealed a large lesion abutting the skull base and causing bony remodelling with marked septal deviation. Based both on CT and MRI imaging, the reporting (non-head and neck) radiologist suggested inverted papilloma as a differential diagnosis...
September 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Thomas Hartmann, Nadia Solomon, Gabriel Lerner, Lauren Ehrlich
Rosai-Dorfman Disease, otherwise known as sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy, is a rare form of non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis with an estimated incidence of 100 cases per year in the United States. Due to its variable presentation and nonspecific clinical findings, it is particularly difficult to diagnose in pediatric patients. We report a case of an 11-month-old male who presented with a 4-day history of a right groin mass. Ultrasound of the groin and pelvis demonstrated, and MRI of the abdomen and pelvis confirmed an inguinal mass with surrounding lymphadenopathy...
September 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
L J Juergens, A Thalhammer, T Gruber-Rouh, V Koch, T J Vogl, S S Martin
A 51-year-old female patient was presenting dyspnea for more than a year with no previous lung infections or surgery. Initially, a diagnostic computed tomography was made, showing a rare arterio-arterial malformation between the right inferior phrenic and right pulmonary artery leading into a vascular bundle in the middle lung lobe. Due to the patients' dyspnea and massive extent of malformation, the indication for transcatheter arterial embolization was made. The first transcatheter arterial embolization procedure involved the inferior phrenic and a selective branch of the internal thoracic artery...
September 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Mirco Cleva, Luca Montaldo, Giovanna Graziani, Ennio Bruschi, Massimo Valentino
Zinner's syndrome is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the association of unilateral renal agenesis with ipsilateral seminal vesicle cyst and ejaculatory duct obstruction. Most patients are asymptomatic until the third or fourth decade of life when the syndrome is associated with dysuria, perineal pain, infertility, and painful ejaculation. In this report, we present the common imaging findings of this rare developmental anomaly involving the mesonephric duct in a 48-year-old male patient experiencing pelvic pain, recurrent dysuria, and pollakiuria...
August 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Pablo Penalver-Calero, Marco Leyva Vásquez-Caicedo, Jimena González-Nieto, Javier Eduardo Armijo Astrain, José Vicente Méndez Montero
Umbilical hernias are common in patients with cirrhosis of the liver and ascites; however, spontaneous rupture of the hernia is a rare complication. Flood Syndrome occurs very rarely in cirrhotic patients with massive ascites and refers to the spontaneous rupture of an umbilical hernia followed by leakage of ascites fluid. A literature search shows that patients have been managed both operatively and nonoperatively for this condition. We report a case of a 56-year-old man with a history of alcohol-related liver cirrhosis and massive ascites refractory to medical therapy with sudden and spontaneous perforation of his hernia leading to drainage of ascitic fluid from the abdomen...
August 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Sarah M Nwia, Christian D Huebner, Jeremy B Nguyen
We report a case of descending necrotizing mediastinitis (DNM) in a 68-year-old male who presented in acute respiratory distress accompanied with anterior cervical neck swelling and pain with swallowing. Contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) of the neck demonstrated a large, peripherally enhancing retropharyngeal fluid and air collection that appeared to communicate with a fluid and air collection within the mediastinum. CECT of the chest demonstrated punctate foci of air and fat stranding along the anterior and superior mediastinum...
August 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Koesbandono, Raditya Utomo, Benyamin Lukito, Jusef Treser, Nyoman Aditya Sindunata
An 18-year-old male developed a huge liver abscess with severe anemia over the course of 2 weeks. Abdominal contrast enhanced computed tomography showed ruptured huge liver abscess in the right liver lobe with signs of active hemorrhage (contrast extravasation). Serology examination confirmed amoeba as the suspected pathogen of cause. Angiography was performed followed by transcatheter arterial embolization to localize and control the hemorrhage. Embolization using a combination of polyvinyl alcohol and gelfoam successfully controlled the active hemorrhage...
August 2023: Journal of Radiology Case Reports
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