Case Reports
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Rare origin - Ewing's sarcoma of the pleura: a case report and literature review.

Ewing sarcoma (ES) was first reported by Ewing in 1921. It is the second largest malignant bone tumor in children and adolescents, typically occurring in the bones of trunk or limbs . Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma (EES) was first reported by Tefft et al. in 1969 and is extremely rare, accounting for less than 1% of all sarcomas. It can occur in any part of soft tissue, mostly in the trunk and lower limbs, and rarely in the pleura. We report a 22-year-old case of extraosseous Ewing sarcoma of pleural origin discovered and pathologically confirmed by physical examination. We report its CT manifestations and pathological results, and review the literature to summarize and analyze the clinical and imaging characteristics of extraosseous Ewing sarcoma, in order to improve our understanding of the disease.

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