Journal Article
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Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Promote Facial Rejuvenation? Revising the Latest Evidence in a Narrative Review.

Facial aging is characterized by progressive macroscopic, histological, and molecular changes. Due to its regenerative and rejuvenating properties, the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as a facial antiaging agent has gained popularity over the last decade. In order to gather and evaluate the latest evidence focusing on the effect of PRP on facial skin rejuvenating, a search through MEDLINE (PubMed) using relevant keywords, inclusion, and exclusion criteria was performed. A total of 539 articles were initially retrieved, and from those, 16 were included in the review. Treatment protocols comprised the use of PRP both in monotherapy and in combination with other substances and by means of direct injection or topical application following skin permeation. The selected studies presented high variability regarding PRP preparation methods, administration protocols, and results assessment. In most studies, PRP seemed to improve to some degree the signs of facial aging, such has wrinkles, skin quality, and pigmentation, accompanied by significant histological and molecular responses. Optimizing treatment protocols should be the next step in assessing the full potential of PRP.

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