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Predictive risk markers in alcoholism.
The medical disorders of alcoholism rank among the leading public health problems worldwide and the need for predictive and prognostic risk markers for assessing alcohol use disorders (AUD) has been widely acknowledged. Early-phase detection of problem drinking and associated tissue toxicity are important prerequisites for timely initiations of appropriate treatments and improving patient's committing to the objective of reducing drinking. Recent advances in clinical chemistry have provided novel approaches for a specific detection of heavy drinking through assays of unique ethanol metabolites, phosphatidylethanol (PEth) or ethyl glucuronide (EtG). Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) measurements can be used to indicate severe alcohol problems. Hazardous drinking frequently manifests as heavy episodic drinking or in combinations with other unfavorable lifestyle factors, such as smoking, physical inactivity, poor diet or adiposity, which aggravate the metabolic consequences of alcohol intake in a supra-additive manner. Such interactions are also reflected in multiple disease outcomes and distinct abnormalities in biomarkers of liver function, inflammation and oxidative stress. Use of predictive biomarkers either alone or as part of specifically designed biological algorithms helps to predict both hepatic and extrahepatic morbidity in individuals with such risk factors. Novel approaches for assessing progression of fibrosis, a major determinant of prognosis in AUD, have also been made available. Predictive algorithms based on the combined use of biomarkers and clinical observations may prove to have a major impact on clinical decisions to detect AUD in early pre-symptomatic stages, stratify patients according to their substantially different disease risks and predict individual responses to treatment.
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