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Can l-ascorbic acid and trans-resveratrol protect HaCaT cells from fine particulate matter toxicity?
Photochemistry and Photobiology 2023 June 26
Continuous exposure of human skin to air pollution can result in a range of undesirable skin conditions. In our recent study, UV and visible light were found to increase cytotoxicity of fine particulate matter (PM2.5 ) against human keratinocytes. Since it is impossible to avoid exposure of human skin to PM2.5 , effective strategies are needed to reduce their damaging effects. l-ascorbic acid and resveratrol were tested as potential topical agents against pollution-related skin impairment. Although these agents were previously found to ameliorate PM-dependent damage, the effect of light and seasonal variation of particles were not previously studied. EPR spin-trapping, DPPH assay, and singlet oxygen phosphorescence were used to determine the scavenging activities of the antioxidants. MTT, JC-10 and iodometric assays were used to analyze the effect on PM2.5 -induced cytotoxicity, mitochondrial damage and oxidation of lipids. Live-cell imaging was employed to examine wound-healing properties of cells. Light-induced, PM2.5 -mediated oxidative damage was examined by immunofluorescent staining. Both antioxidants effectively scavenged free radicals and singlet oxygen produced by PM2.5 , reduced cell death and prevented oxidative damage to HaCaT cells. l-ascorbic acid and resveratrol, especially when applied in combination, can protect HaCaT cells against the dark and light induced toxicity of PM2.5 .
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