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Use of Virtual Touch Tissue Quantification Elastography Technique in Fetal Lung Maturation: A Preliminary Study.

Ultrasound Quarterly 2023 April 17
This study is an analysis of fetal lung stiffness by virtual touch tissue quantification (VTTQ) elastography to predict fetal lung maturation. Evaluation of fetal lungs was first performed in B mode, and fetal lungs were analyzed at 3 different periods at third trimester in each pregnant woman, at 28 to 31, 32 to 36, and 37 to 41 weeks. Fetal lung elastography was performed at regions with the least acoustic shadow and far from ribs and heart. Each fetal lung assessment were done by taking mean lung stiffness obtained by measuring stiffness of both left and right fetal lungs. T test analysis showed no significant difference in fetal lung stiffness between male and female fetuses among 3 gestational periods. Analysis of variance was performed to evaluate fetal lung stiffness of the fetuses at 3 different gestational periods (28-31, 32-36, and 37-41 weeks). This analysis showed significant difference (P < 0.01). Duncan multiple comparison analysis did not show significant difference in fetal lung stiffness between 28 and 31 weeks and 32 and 36 weeks, whereas fetal lung stiffness of fetuses at 37 to 41 weeks were significantly greater (P < 0.01). This study is first step to analyze fetal lung maturation noninvasively using VTTQ elastography technique by measuring fetal lung stiffness.

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