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Journal Article
Team-Based Diabetes Care in Ontario and Hong Kong: a Comparative Review.
Current Diabetes Reports 2023 July
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: There are gaps in implementing and accessing team-based diabetes care. We reviewed and compared how team-based diabetes care was implemented in the primary care contexts of Ontario and Hong Kong.
RECENT FINDINGS: Ontario's Diabetes Education Programs (DEPs) were scaled-up incrementally. Hong Kong's Multidisciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Program for Diabetes Mellitus (RAMP-DM) evolved from a research-driven quality improvement program. Each jurisdiction had a mixture of non-team and team-based primary care with variable accessibility. Referral procedures, follow-up processes, and financing models varied. DEPs used a flexible approach, while the RAMP-DM used structured assessment for quality assurance. Each approach depended on adequate infrastructure, processes, and staff. Diabetes care is most accessible and functional when integrated team-based services are automatically initiated upon diabetes diagnosis within a strong primary care system, ideally linked to a register with supports including specialist care. Structured assessment and risk stratification are the basis of a well-studied, evidence-based approach for achieving the standards of team-based diabetes care, although flexibility in care delivery may be needed to meet the unique needs of some individuals. Policymakers and funders should ensure investment in skilled health professionals, infrastructure, and processes to improve care quality.
RECENT FINDINGS: Ontario's Diabetes Education Programs (DEPs) were scaled-up incrementally. Hong Kong's Multidisciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Program for Diabetes Mellitus (RAMP-DM) evolved from a research-driven quality improvement program. Each jurisdiction had a mixture of non-team and team-based primary care with variable accessibility. Referral procedures, follow-up processes, and financing models varied. DEPs used a flexible approach, while the RAMP-DM used structured assessment for quality assurance. Each approach depended on adequate infrastructure, processes, and staff. Diabetes care is most accessible and functional when integrated team-based services are automatically initiated upon diabetes diagnosis within a strong primary care system, ideally linked to a register with supports including specialist care. Structured assessment and risk stratification are the basis of a well-studied, evidence-based approach for achieving the standards of team-based diabetes care, although flexibility in care delivery may be needed to meet the unique needs of some individuals. Policymakers and funders should ensure investment in skilled health professionals, infrastructure, and processes to improve care quality.
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