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Journal Article
Practice Guideline
Management of premature ejaculation: a clinical guideline from the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS).
Premature ejaculation (PE) is the most prevalent male sexual dysfunction, and the most recently defined. PE is often mistakenly considered a purely psychosexological symptom by patients: the lacking awareness in regards to the pathophysiology and treatments often lead to resignation from the patients' side, making PE the most underdiagnosed sexual complaint. However, an ever-growing body of evidence supporting several organic factors has been developed in the last decades and several definitions have been suggested to encompass all defining features of PE. In the present document by the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS), we propose 33 recommendations concerning the definition, pathophysiology, treatment and management of PE aimed to improve patient care. These evidence-based clinical guidelines provide the necessary up-to-date guidance in the context of PE secondary to organic and psychosexological conditions, such as prostate inflammation, endocrine disorders, and other sexual dysfunctions, and suggest how to associate pharmacotherapies and cognitive-behavioral therapy in a couple-centered approach. New therapeutic options, as well as combination and off-label treatments, are also described.
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