Case Reports
Journal Article
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Infantile form of muscle phosphofructokinase deficiency in a premature neonate.

Muscle phosphofructokinase (PFK) deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disease. We report the case of a preterm female infant who was diagnosed with the infantile form of phosphofructokinase deficiency due to a lack of PFK activity in her muscles, manifesting at a corrected age of 1 month as floppy infant syndrome, congenital joint contracture, cleft palate and duplication of the pelvicalyceal system. She died at a corrected age of 6 months due to respiratory failure. We further reviewed other infantile cases in the literature. Congenital hypotonia (78.6%), arthrogryposis (64.3%) and other systemic involvement including encephalopathy (35.7%) and cardiomyopathy (21.4%) are common presentations of the infantile form of PFK deficiency. The overall survival rate of the infantile form is low. The early recognition of multiple system involvement is essential to provide better clinical care for infants with the infantile form of PFK deficiency.

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