Hiroshi Futagawa, Shiho Ito, Kenji Hosoi, Ikkei Tamada, Kiyokazu Ogata, Kentaro Fukuda, Haruka Yamanaka, Maho Kuroda, Chiharu Suda, Kenji Shimizu, Hiroshi Yoshihashi
BACKGROUND: Hyaline fibromatosis syndrome (HFS) is a congenital disorder characterized by subcutaneous skin nodules, congenital multiple arthrogryposis, gingival hyperplasia, and chronic pain. The intellectual ability of patients with HFS is generally normal. This syndrome arises from variants of ANTXR2. Thus far, about 100 cases have been reported but few of these were reported from Japan. METHODS: This study reports five additional Japanese patients with genetically confirmed HFS, from unrelatd families, and discusses the clinical course and quality of life of these patients...
2024: Pediatrics International: Official Journal of the Japan Pediatric Society